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Makhachkala Branch Ecological Activities

I. Environment protection during current economic activities
     1. Atmospheric air protection
     2. Water resources protection
     3. Land plots protection
     4. Waste disposal
II. Environmental protection during dredging
III. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
IV. Environmental protection expenses of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch
V. Prospects of environmental protection activities


     The main tasks of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch in the field of environmental protection are:

  • reduction of the negative impact on the environment in the course of the economic activities of the branch;
  • compliance with environmental legislation and environmental quality standards;
  • production control over the implementation of environmental protection measures implemented by the branch.

     Environmental protection activities of the Makhachkala Branch are carried out in accordance with annual environmental action plans developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

     To ensure environmental protection activities, the Makhachkala Branch has an environmental protection sector which organizes control over the implementation by the branch of standards and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, implements measures of industrial environmental control when carrying out the statutory activities of the branch in the seaport of Makhachkala.

     Specialists of the Makhachkala Branch engaged in this activity have necessary education.


I. Environment protection during current economic activities


     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, facilities that have a negative impact on the environment should be put on state registration in the federal state register.

     As of 01.01.2024, 3 area facilities operated by the Makhachkala Branch have been put on state registration in the federal state register of facilities. One facility belongs to category II, which has a moderate negative impact on the environment, and 2 facilities belong to category III, which have a minor impact on the environment.

     For the remaining facilities of the Makhachkala Branch, work is being carried out as prescribed on their categorization and state registration.

     During its current economic activities, the Makhachkala Branch implements environmental protection measures in the following areas.


1. Atmospheric air protection


     To fulfill its statutory tasks, the Makhachkala Branch has various vessels of the service and auxiliary fleet, as well as motor transport. Within the production control activities, instrumental control of emissions from motor vehicles and measurements of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances and the smoke content of exhaust gases of marine engines are regularly carried out by the specialized laboratories involved.

     As prescribed in the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, the standards of harmful (polluting) substances (except radioactive) into the atmospheric air, developed by the Makhachkala Branch, have been approved in accordance with the established procedure by Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) Department for the Republic of Dagestan dated 07.05.2018 No. 68E/18. The branch has received a permit for the emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air dated 07.05.2018 No. 18V/18 valid until May 6, 2025.

Dynamics of atmospheric emissions by the Makhachkala Branch


2. Water resources protection


     The Makhachkala Branch uses water bodies, located in the Caspian Sea in the water area of the seaport of Makhachkala, for dredging works in order to fulfill its statutory tasks.

     In accordance with the water legislation of the Russian Federation, the Makhachkala Branch has received as prescribed the decision dated 25.07.2019 No. 1230 on the provision of the Caspian Sea water area, around the western shore of the Middle Caspian Sea at a distance of 17 nautical miles from the shore within an underwater dump in area No. 108*, with an area of 4 square km for use to carry out dredging operations related to transformation of the bottom and shores of water bodies, issued by the West Caspian Basin Water Department of the Federal Agency for Water Resources, valid until December 31, 2028.

     Prior to the repair dredging works, during them and upon their completion, a specialized organization engaged by the Makhachkala Branch on a contractual basis carries out environmental monitoring of the water bodies used. The results of monitoring of the condition of water bodies where dredging is carried out are submitted to the West Caspian Basin Water Department of the Federal Agency for Water Resources on a quarterly basis.

     According to the monitoring data, no pollution of water bodies used by the Makhachkala Branch was recorded in 2023.


3. Land plots protection


     In order to prevent pollution, littering and contamination of land plots used by the Makhachkala Branch in its economic activities, the branch carries out:

  • periodic cleaning of the territory, as well as timely removal of garbage and generated waste on a basis of a contract with specialized licensed organizations;
  • equipping and maintaining of the branch’s waste temporary storage areas as prescribed by the environmental, sanitary and epidemiological legislation of the Russian Federation.


4. Waste disposal


     The Makhachkala Branch keeps constant records of the volumes of various types of waste generated during its current economic activities, control after the areas of their temporary storage and the frequency of their transporting for processing or disposal.

     The draft standards of waste generation and limits for their disposal developed by the Makhachkala Branch have been submitted as prescribed for approval to the Rosprirodnadzor Department for the Republic of Dagestan.

     Most of the production and consumption waste generated in the Makhachkala Branch belongs to IV-V hazard classes. The share of waste of I and II hazard classes, such as fluorescent lamps and batteries, is 0.1% of the total waste of the branch.

     For the disposal of waste generated during the current economic activities of the Makhachkala Branch, the relevant agreements have been concluded with specialized licensed organizations.

     In particular, wastes of I and II hazard classes (mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes, batteries) are transferred to the federal environmental operator FSUE “FEO” for further treatment. Wastes of III hazard class (various oils, bilge and oily waters produced as a result of the operation of vessels and navigation facilities of the branch) are also transferred to specialized licensed organizations for neutralization, processing and subsequent disposal. Solid domestic waste of the branch is transferred to the regional operator for its subsequent disposal, while sewage and black waters flow into the municipal sewage system.

Dynamics of waste production by the Makhachkala Branch



II. Environmental protection during dredging


     The Makhachkala Branch pays special attention to environmental protection during dredging operations.

     Since 2015, repair dredging has been carried out by the forces and technical means of the Makhachkala Branch to ensure the safety of navigation and maintain the declared depths in the waters of the seaport of Makhachkala.

     Repair dredging works are carried out in accordance with RD 31.74.08-94 “Technical Instruction for Marine Dredging Operations” and the current standards and instructions governing the rules of production and acceptance of dredging works.

     The design documentation “Production of repair dredging works to restore the design dimensions of the water area and approach canals of the seaport of Makhachkala for 2019-2028” in accordance with the established procedure received a positive conclusion from the expert commission of the state environmental expertise, approved by Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Department for the North Caucasus Federal District dated 24.05.2019 No. 333 The validity of the conclusion of the expert commission of the state environmental assessment on the basis of the Government of Russia Decree dated 12.03.2022 No. 353 was extended until 31.12.2025. Currently, by the Makhachkala Branch order, design documentation has been developed for the project “Performance of repair dredging work to restore the design dimensions of the water area and approach channels of the seaport of Makhachkala for the period 2024-2033”. The project documentation is submitted in the prescribed manner to public hearings, which are organized by the MKU “Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Makhachkala”, and then will be sent for consideration by the state environmental assessment to Rosprirodnadzor..

     Dredging works are carried out by the Makhachkala Branch on the basis of the repair dredging project, the decision of the Caspian Basin Water Department of the Federal Agency for Water Resources dated 25.07.2019 No. 1230 on the provision of the underwater dump in area No. 108* in the Caspian Sea for use in order to carry out dredging operations related to changes in the bottom and banks of water bodies, as well as the permit of Rosprirodnadzor dated 22.03.2024 No. 341M for burial in inland sea waters of bottom soil excavated during dredging operations, valid until 10.10.2025.

     In 2023, 131.4 thousand cubic meters of bottom soil was excavated during repair dredging works, with 59.4 thousand cubic meters being buried in the shore dump in the Nefetenalivnaya harbor, and 72 thousand cubic meters of bottom soil being buried on the shore dump in the Sukhogruznaya harbor of the seaport of Makhachkala.

     In the current year, it is planned to carry out repair dredging in the amount of 213 thousand cubic meters.

     To ensure control over the impact of ongoing repair dredging operations on the Caspian Sea ecosystem, timely detect and prevent cases of exceeding permissible environmental impact standards, the Makhachkala Branch, under an agreement with a specialized organization, carries out monitoring observations with sampling of seawater and bottom soil, conducting chemical analysis of selected samples in the areas: prior to the repair work, during the repair dredging and dumping of soil, as well as upon completion of these works.

     Reports on the results of environmental monitoring and industrial environmental control of repair dredging works with an assessment of the impact of dredging on the environment are provided by the Makhachkala Branch to the West Caspian Basin Water Department of the Federal Agency for Water Resources.

     When dredging in the Caspian Sea water area, the following environmental protection measures aimed at protecting the aquatic environment are provided for as well:

  • all stationary mechanisms located on vessels and powered by internal combustion engines are installed on metal trays for collecting oil, condensate and fuel. The trays are regularly cleaned out in special containers, and their contents are disposed of;
  • technically sound machines and mechanisms with adjusted fuel fittings are used in all works, eliminating the loss of fuel and lubricants and the ingress of fuels and lubricants into the ground;
  • fuels and lubricants are stored in closed containers, excluding the leakage, and special places with containers are allocated for storing construction debris and waste; as they accumulate, they are transported as prescribes for subsequent disposal.

     As of 2023, no pollution of the water area of the seaport of Makhachkala as a result of repair dredging works was detected.

     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to compensate for damage to aquatic biological resources and their habitat caused during repair dredging in the waters of the seaport of Makhachkala, the Makhachkala Branch released 252.9 thousand juvenile Russian sturgeon into the Caspian basin into the Sulak River in 2018. The expenses of the Makhachkala Branch for the cultivation and production of juvenile Russian sturgeon amounted to more than 6.7 million rubles.

     In 2024, the Makhachkala Branch does not plan to release juvenile fish into the Caspian basin.


III. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities


     One of the main activities of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch is implementation of federal investment programs, as well as capital investment programs of FSUE “Rosmorport” aimed at development of federal port infrastructure and fleet facilities in the seaports of the Makhachkala Branch.

     In the short-to-medium term, the Makhachkala Branch plans to implement a number of capital investment projects aimed at development of port infrastructure and fleet in the seaport of Makhachkala.

     For all investment projects, documentation is developed in strict accordance with Russian and international environmental standards.

     Currently, the Makhachkala Branch plans to implement the following projects for the development of port infrastructure facilities, carried out in the form of capital investments:

     - project for the reconstruction of oil berth No. 5 in the seaport of Makhachkala. The design organization, in accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, together with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Urban District with the intra-city division “City of Makhachkala”, organized public discussions of the project documentation materials, including an assessment of the impact of the planned economic and other activities on the environment. As a result of the discussions that took place (minutes of public discussions of the project documentation “Reconstruction of oil berth No. 5 in the seaport of Makhachkala”, including materials on the environmental impact assessment dated 28.10.2021), they were recognized as having taken place and no comments were received from the public on the project documentation.

     The results of engineering surveys and design documentation are submitted in accordance with the established procedure for consideration for state examination at the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”. Subject to positive passage of the state examination, the project documentation will be sent for state environmental examination. Subject to successful passing state examinations, and in case the necessary funds are allocated, the start of construction and installation work on the project is planned for the 2nd quarter of 2025.

     - project for construction of a complex of facilities for berthing and maintenance of the service and auxiliary fleet and navigation equipment in the seaport of Makhachkala. In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, the design organization and the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the administration of the urban district with the intra-city division “City of Makhachkala” organized public discussions of the project documentation materials, including an assessment of the impact of the planned economic and other activities on the environment. As a result of the discussions that took place (minutes of public discussions in the form of a survey of the object of the state environmental assessment - project documentation “Construction of a complex of facilities for berthing and maintenance of the service and auxiliary fleet and navigation equipment in the seaport of Makhachkala”, including materials on the environmental impact assessment dated 05.10.2022) they were recognized as valid and meeting the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental impact assessment. The design organization was instructed to take into account all received comments when preparing project documentation for submission to the state environmental assessment.

     The results of engineering surveys and design documentation are submitted in the prescribed manner by the design organization for consideration of the state examination at the FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia", and then, in case of its successful completion, will be sent for consideration by the state environmental examination. Subject to receiving positive conclusions from state examinations and the necessary funding being allocated, the start of construction and installation work on the project is planned for 2025.


IV. Environmental protection expenses of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch


     In 2023, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch spent 3.2 million rubles on the environmental protection measures, including payments for negative environmental impacts.

Expenses of the Makhachkala Branch for environmental protection activities

V. Prospects of environmental protection activities


     The main tasks of the Makhachkala Branch in the field of environmental protection in the coming years are:

  • reducing the negative impact on the environment by modernizing technical facilities and equipment used by the branch;
  • strengthening production control of all aspects of environmental protection activities of the Makhachkala Branch;
  • introduction of modern energy and resource-saving technologies.