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General news

Congratulations of the General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport” on the National Unity Day

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the staff of FSUE “Rosmorport” I congratulate you on the National Unity Day!

November 4 is a public holiday, a bridge between the past and the future of our country, which refers us to the liberation of Moscow on November 4, 1612 by an army consisting of people of all classes and nationalities, under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. This date reminds us that the strength of the state lies in its united people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

Today, this holiday, associated with glorious, heroic events in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland, acquires special significance. Only by joint efforts can high results be achieved. The purposefulness, unity and common goals of our multinational people will allow the country to continue to move forward confidently, ensuring economic stability, continuous development of maritime potential and strengthening of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the state throughout its space.

Dear friends! May this day give everyone strength for confident progress and new achievements. I wish everyone a peaceful sky. I wish you good health, joy and success for the benefit of Great Russia! Happy holidays!

General Director                                  S.V. Pylin