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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Two icebreakers of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk branch received safety management certificates

Starting from 2008 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk branch carried out the work on preparing the branch for examination for certification compliance to International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships. As a result of this work in October, 2009 the FSUE "Rosmorport" Arkhangelsk branch obtained the certificate of compliance of its safety management system with the requirements of International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships from Russian Maritime Register.

In November, 2009 the safety management certificate of Russian Maritime Register was given to “Dikson” icebreaker, in January, 2010 the safety management certificate was given to “Captain Kosolapov” icebreaker. The certificates, obtained by “Dikson” and “Captain Kosolapov” icebreakers approved the compliance of the icebreakers’ safety management systems with the requirements of International Management Code.

The obtaining of the safety management certificates by “Dikson” and “Captain Kosolapov” icebreakers gave them the right to carry out the international voyages.