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Development of Port Infrastructure Facilities and Fleet of the Arkhangelsk Branch

Investment projects implemented by the Arkhangelsk Branch
     • Arkhangelsk Seaport
     • Onega Seaport
     • Naryan-Mar Seaport
     • Sabetta Seaport

Investment projects to be and being carried out by the Arkhangelsk Branch

Investment projects implemented by the Arkhangelsk Branch

     One of the main activities of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Arkhangelsk Branch is implementation of the federal investment programs, and the capital investment programs of the enterprise, which are aimed at the development of the federal port infrastructure facilities in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Mezen, Onega and Sabetta.
     Acting as a client constructor since 2004 the Arkhangelsk Branch implemented the following investment projects to improve the port infrastructure and the quality of services provided to the ship owners, consigners, and other consumers in seaports.

     Arkhangelsk Seaport 

     In 2006 the construction of an administrative building for the Arkhangelsk Branch employees in Arkhangelsk Seaport was completed.

     In 2007 reconstruction of the vessel traffic system in Arkhangelsk Seaport was finished. The project featured the construction of a radio technical post No. 3 "Talagi" to enable radio locator control and navigation assistance to vessels going from/to the berths of the Talagi oil base. Besides, old equipment of the Arkhangelsk Seaport VTS was updated and changed, in order to further navigation safety in the VTS coverage area. Also in that year a diesel-oil autonomous heating boiler was installed to heat the building of the Iles radio station. It helped to create an autonomous heating system at the facility and to decrease the expenses of the Arkhangelsk Branch on heating services. Besides, a hangar for storage and painting of navigation devices was build in the seaport, with the aim to maintain and repair floating warning signs, and produce parts of coastal navigation signs. Besides, a coastal structure for parking of special crafts was reconstructed, as its second storey was build, where workshop for repairs of light optical devices and premises for technical personnel were arranged.

     In 2008 the electric power supply system of the Iles radio station was updated by installation of an electric power supply automation post and an emergency diesel generator. Implementation of the project helped to improve the electric reliability of the radio station. Also in that year a project for reconstruction of the navigation devices dispersed from the Economia transshipment area to the Talagi oil base berths was implemented, with the aim to provide for navigation safety of large tonnage vessels. The project included acquisition and installation of 20 warning aids to navigation and reconstruction of three navigation gates of lightning signs.

     In 2011 prefabricated structures were installed in the seaport in order to prepare and store small-sized boats, spare parts and engines designed for maintenance of navigation equipment.

     In 2012 in accordance with the requirements of the transport security legislation berths No. 142, No. 149-150, No. 153-154, as well as some facilities of the Arkhangelsk seaport VTS were equipped with video control systems, which enabled supervision over the movements of people and vehicles on the secured territory. Also in that year, with the aim to improve navigation safety, 30 floating navigation signs of new type were installed on the main fairway, 4 coastal navigation signs were reconstructed, and the light-optical equipment were updated with installation of solar power sources. Besides, new emergency power sources were installed at the Mudyug radio technical post No. 2 in order to enable emergency power supply of the radio technical post and the equipment of the marine safety facilities.

     In 2015 pursuant to Permit No. 29-52300-13-2015 of July 31, 2015issued by the Administration of the Municipal Entity “Primorye Municipal District” four WM-230 antenna-type towers with a height of 34 meters, the CV-051 antenna-type tower with a height of 40 meters and a tower with a height of 30 meters were put into operation. These antenna-type towers have been built within the reconstruction of GMDSS facilities on the approaches toward the seaport of Arkhangelsk. They are designed for placing radio navigational equipment to receive signals of distress, observe navigation safety calls and exchange information during search and rescue operations in sea areas of GMDSS A1 and A2; maintaining radio contacts with subscribers of landline networks to ensure navigation safety of vessels in GMDSS A1 and A2 sea areas and on the approaches toward them; coordinating search and rescue operations; and transmitting messages within the NAVTEX international system.

Схема границ морского района А 1 Схема границ морского района А 2 и зоны действия НАВТЕКС БС морского района А 2 ПРДЦ «Илес» антенна WM-230 - 1 БС морского района А 2 ПРДЦ «Илес» антенна WM-230 - 2
БС морского района А 2 ПРМЦ о. Мудьюгский антенна WM-230 № 1 БС морского района А 2 ПРМЦ о. Мудьюгский антенна WM-230 № 2 БС морского района А 2 ПРДЦ «Илес» антенна CV-51 БС морского района А 2 ПРДЦ «Илес», башня 30 м

     Onega Seaport

     In 2012 in accordance with the requirements of the transport security legislation a video control system for supervision over movements of people and vehicles on the secured territory was installed at the cargo and passenger berths in Onega Seaport. Also in that year 10 new floating signs were installed, and light-optical equipment of coastal signs was updated in order to improve navigation safety in the water area of Onega Seaport.

     Naryan-Mar Seaport

     In 2010 the power supply and heating systems of the track maintenance department building in the seaport were modernized, due to the necessity to improve quality, reliability and safety of those systems.

     Sabetta Seaport

     In December 2016 pursuant to Rosmorrechflot Permit No. 89-RU89506000-NZH-39/41-2016 of December 09, 2016 the root part of the southeastern ice protection structure, which was earlier built in the seaport of Sabetta within the limits of an artificial plot of land, was put into operation. The facility is designed for protecting the territory of the seaport of Sabetta from the seasonal movement of ice and ensuring its all-year operation.

     In December 2018 pursuant to Rosmorrechflot Permit No. 89-RU89506000-NZH-39/47-2018 of December 21, 2018 the deepwater part of the southeastern and southwestern ice protection structures built in the seaport of Sabetta were put into operation. The facilities are designed for protecting the water area of the seaport of Sabetta from the seasonal movement of ice and ensure its all-year operation.
     In the same month pursuant to Rosmorrechflot Permit No. 89-RU89506000-NZH-39/41-2018 of December 11, 2018 the hydraulic facility “The Water Area of the Port (the Water Area of Auxiliary Berths)” with an area of 28.99 ha and the seabed levels of 12.3 meters at Berth No. 2, 13.2 meters at Berth No. 3 and eight meters at Berth No. 4 have been put into operation. It is designed for safe maneuvering and layup of vessels with a length of up to 220 meters, a breadth of up to 25 meters and load draught of up to 10 meters moving to Berth No. 3 and a length of up to 100 meters, a breadth of up to 25 meters and load draught of up to six meters moving to Berth No. 4 in the seaport of Sabetta. In addition, pursuant to Rosmorrechflot Permit No. 89-RU89506000-NZH-39/42-2018 of December 11, 2018 the hydraulic facility “The Water Area of the Port (the Water Area of Cargo Berths)” with a total area of 109.14 ha and the seabed levels of 15.2 meters has been put into operation it is designed for ensuring safe maneuvering and layup of LNG tankers (gas carriers) of Yamalmax class moving to the technological berths, Berth No. 1 and Berth. No. 2, in the seaport of Sabetta.

        In February 2019 pursuant to Permit No. 89-RU89506000-003-2019 of February 13, 2019 issued by the construction and architecture department of the Municipal Entity Administration of Yamal District the aids to navigation storage  site and an open area of aids to navigation maintenance were put into operation. These facilities are designed for storage and maintenance of floating warning signs and components to them in the water area of the seaport of Sabetta, as well as the control correction station (the GPS-GLONASS differential correction station) designed for circular transmission on vessels of differential corrections of the global navigation satellite system from control correction stations of the sea differential sub-system that allows for making precision navigation in the Gulf of Ob and on the approaches toward it.

     In the same month pursuant to Permit No. 89-RU89506000-004-2019 of February 13, 2019 issued by the construction and architecture department of the Municipal Entity Administration of Yamal District Radar Post No. 1, Radar Post No. 2 and Radar Post No. 3 were put into operation. They are designed for observing the navigation situation in the Gulf of Ob and maintaining radio telephone communication with vessels on VHF Canal, as well as transmitting and receiving centers part of GMDSS equipment in the sea areas of A1 and A2 designed for:

- permanent radio monitoring of vessels, transmission and receipt of messages and radio telephone calls of distress, urgency and safety with the use of digital selective call on relevant channels;

- timely communication between vessels and the Dikson rescue coordination center of FSBI “The Administration of Western Arctic Seaports” to conduct search and rescue operations. 


     In May 2019 pursuant to Rosmorrechlfot Permit No. 89-RU89506000-ZD-39/11-2019 of May 14, 2019 an approach canal with length of 5.65 km, breadth of 495 meters and seabed level of 15.1 meters was put into operation within the third stage of the construction. The canal is designed for safe approach of LNG tankers (gas carriers) of Yamalmax class to berths of Section No. 1 of the seaport of Sabetta from the area of Anchoring Station No. 1. A seaway canal with a length of 48,933 km, a breadth of 295 meters and the seabed levels of 15.1 meters was also put into operation within the second stage of the construction. It is designed for safe approach of LNG tankers (gas carriers) of Yamalmax class toward Section No. 1 of the water area of the seaport of Sabetta. 

Склад СНО
Открытая площадка обслуживания СНО и Склад СНО
Контрольно-корректирующая станция
Передающий центр
Принимающий центр

     In December 2020, in accordance with the permission of the Department of Construction and Architecture of the Administration of the Yamal District Municipality No. 89-RU89506000-004-2020 dated December 9, 2020, the new built capital construction facilities were put into operation: VTS, GMDSS and the seaport administration building, designed to accommodate the personnel of the VTS and communications services of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch, as well as the personnel of the division of the captain of Sabetta seaport of FSU “Western Arctic Seaport Administration”; closed parking area for official vehicles and watercraft intended for the parking, repair and maintenance of official vehicles and watercraft; technical building for navigational equipment intended for storage of spare parts and repair of navigational equipment; front leading mark and a rear leading mark intended to indicate the alignment of a suitable channel in the seaport of Sabetta.


Investment projects to be and being carried out by the Arkhangelsk Branch   

     At the present time and in the short term period (until 2025), the Arkhangelsk Branch does not implement and does not plan to carry out investment projects in the form of capital investments in the construction and/or reconstruction of coastal-port facilities in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Mezen, Onega and Sabetta.