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Pilotage Services

1. General information
2. Information on pilotage areas
     • The seaport of Arkhangelsk
     • The seaport of Mezen
     • The seaport of Naryan-Mar
     • The seaport of Onega

     • The seaport of Sabetta

     • Water area of the Northern Sea Route
3. Information about the area of carrying out deviation operations

4. Procedure for rendering pilotage services

     • Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Arkhangelsk
     • Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Mezen
     • Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Naryan-Mar
     • Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Onega

     • Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Sabetta

     • Procedure for providing ice pilotage services in the waters of the Northern Sea Route
5. Procedure for rendering additional pilotage services (deviation removal)
6. Statistics
7. Contacts

     1. General information

      The FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch renders:

      - pilotage services for vessels of all types that call at the seaports of Arkhangelsk (except for a section of the water area in Severnaya Bay, Dezhnev Gulf, Alexandra Land of the Frantz Josef Land Archipelago), Mezen, Naryan-Mar (except for the sea terminal of Amderma), Onega and Sabetta;

      - pilotage services for single vessels or part of a convoy, with an icebreaker or without it, in the water area of the Northern Sea Route;

      - services for detecting and removing deviation in the seaport of Arkhangelsk. 

     The Arkhangelsk Branch pilotage service consists of 40 pilots, including pilots of detached subdivisions in the seaports of Naryan-Mar, Onega, and Sabeta: 23 first-grade pilots, including 3 ice pilots, and 17 second-grade pilots, including one ice pilot.
     The Arkhangelsk Branch pilots are qualified in compliance with Statute on Sea Pilots of the Russian Federation approved by Ministry of Transport order No 462 dated 06.11.2020.

     All pilots of the Arkangelsk Branch have been admitted to independent pilotage of vessels in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Naryan Mar, Onega and Sabetta under the orders of captains of corresponding seaports. Ice pilots have been admitted to ice pilotage of vessels in the water area of the Northern Sea Route pursuant to certificates of right of performing ice pilotage of vessels in the water area of the Northern Sea Route. The certificates have been issued by the State-owned Federal State Institution “Administration of Northern Sea Route”.

     All pilots of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch have regular theoretical and simulator training according to the approved programs of professional development of sea pilots in the regional sa education center of the federal state higher educational establishment “State Sea Academy under the name of Admiral S.O. Makarov”.
     The Arkhangelsk Branch pilotage service possesses all necessary boats and means of transport for timely transporting of pilots to vessels. All pilots of the Branch are provided with necessary up-to-date navigation equipment, special-purpose clothing and communications systems for carrying out the works on pilotage of vessels, including in the water area of the Northern Sea Route, qualitatively and effectively.

     2. Information on pilotage areas

     The seaport of Arkhangelsk

Схема районов обязательной и необязательной лоцманской проводки морского порта АрхангельскIn accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Arkhangelsk approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Order No 183 of  July 09, 2014, the water area of the seaport within the boundaries established by Russia's Government Directive No 797-r of May 19, 2010 (amended and revised), except for areas of non-compulsory pilotage of vessels, is an area of compulsory pilotage of vessels in the seaport of Arkhangelsk. The areas of non-compulsory pilotage of vessels are located:
Схема района необязательной лоцманской проводки № 2 морского порта Архангельск   1) between the northern boundary of the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk in Dvina Gulf and the line going through the points with the coordinates:

    Latitude=64o41,6'N  Longitude= 039o49,5'E

    Latitude=65o01,1'N  Longitude= 040o01,4'E

   2) within the boundaries of the water area of the remote section located in the Severnaya Bay of the Gulf of Dezhnev of Alexandra Land Island, Frantz Josef Land Archipelago.
   During the winter navigation, pilotage of vessels moving to the seaport (from the seaport) of Arkhangelsk is performed in ice conditions with the use of icebreakers of the Arkhangelsk Branch.


Схема районов внутрипортовых и внепортовых лоцманских проводок в морском порту Архангельск     For the purpose of paying pilotage dues in the seaport of Arkhangelsk the area of pilotage performed on the rates of pilotage outside the limits of a port has the following boundaries:

     - in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk from the site of delivery/disembarkation of a pilot at the distance of 0.4 nautical miles to the north-west of the site of placing of Mudyugsky No 1 Light Buoy with the coordinates: Latitude=64o56,8'N, Longitude= 040o05,6'E, to the site of delivery/disembarkation on the berths of the seaport of Arkhangelsk or in the areas of inshore (anchoring) moorings. The routes of pilotage and their duration are attached.

    - in the area between the berths and anchoring moorings in the seaport of Arkhangelsk. The routes of pilotage and their duration are attached.

    The delivery/disembarkation of a pilot aboard/from a vessel moving to/from the seaport of Arkhangelsk is performed at the distance of 0.4 nautical miles to the north-west of the site of placing of Mudyugsky No 1 Light Buoy with the coordinates (Latitude=64o56,8'N, Longitude= 040o05,6'E) and deboarding/delivery at the berths of the seaport of Arkhangelsk or in the area of inshore moorings.

     The delivery/disembarkation of a pilot for intra-harbor pilotage, related to hauling, shifting or other re-anchoring of a vessel in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk is performed on the berths or in the area of inshore moorings in the seaport of Arkhangelsk.

     The seaport of Mezen

     In compliance with the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Mezen approved by Russia’s Transport Ministry Order No. 184 of July 09, 2014, a section of the water area along the fairway of the Mezen River is an area of compulsory pilotage in the seaport of Mezen. The section is limited by the coastal line of the right and left banks of the Mezen River and the lines connecting the points with the coordinates:

     1. L=66º11,5’N L=044º04,5’Е;

     2. L=66º09,8’N L=043º53,8’Е;

     3. L=65º52,8’N  L=044º10,6’E;

     4. L=65º52,4’N L=044º08,4’E.

Area of compulsory pilotage
Pilotage routes

     In order to pay pilotage dues in the seaport of Mezen the areas of pilotage made per a mile have the following boundaries:

     - from the place of embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot in an area of the Mezen entrance buoy with the coordinates L=66º10,5’N L=043º58,53’Е to the areas, berths and moorage in the seaport of Mezen. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached;

     - between the areas, berths and moorages in the seaport of Mezen. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached

     The embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot on a vessel moving to/from the seaport of Mezen is performed in the area of the Mezen entrance buoy with the coordinates L=66º10,5’N L=043º58,53’Е. The embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot is performed in the Mezen inner roadstead area of the seaport of Mezen or on the berths of the seaport.

     The embarkation/disembarkation of a vessel moving to/from the seaport of Mezen is made in the Mezen inner roadstead area and the disembarkation/embarkation of pilots is performed in the Mezen entrance buoy area with the coordinates L=66º10,5’N L=043º58,53’Е.

     The embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot for pilotage operations in respect of hauling, shifting and other re-anchoring of a vessel in the water area of the seaport of Mezen is performed on berths or in the areas of moorage in the seaport of Mezen.

     The seaport of Naryan-Mar

     In accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Naryan Mar approved by Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Order No 463 dated December 12, 2013 an area of compulsory pilotage of vessels in the seaport of Naryan Mar is restricted by the sea-line and direct lines connecting the points with the coordinates by order:

     1. Latitude=68o20,35'N, Longitude= 054o21,00'E;

     2. Latitude=68o29,20'N, Longitude= 054o21,00'E;

     3. Latitude=68o29,20'N, Longitude= 054o41,60'E;

     4. Latitude=68o17,70'N, Longitude= 054o30,50'E;

     5. Latitude=67o40,75'N, Longitude= 053o07,00'E;

     6. Latitude=67o40,17'N, Longitude= 053o05,00'E;

     7. Latitude=67o40,10'N, Longitude= 053o05,00'E;

     8. Latitude=67o39,45'N, Longitude= 053o02,40'E;

     9. Latitude=67o39,37'N, Longitude= 053o02,40'E;

     10. Latitude=67o38,80'N, Longitude= 052o59,75'E;

     11. Latitude=67o38,90'N, Longitude= 052o59,35'E;

     12. Latitude=67o39,18'N, Longitude= 053o01,30'E

     13. Latitude=67o39,60'N, Longitude= 053o02,15'E;

     14. Latitude=67o40,57'N, Longitude= 053o02,33'E;

     15. Latitude=67o41,45'N, Longitude= 053o07,00'E.


Схема районов внутрипортовых и внепортовых лоцманских проводок в морском порту Нарьян-Мар      For the purpose of paying pilotage dues in the seaport of Naryan Mar the area of pilotage performed on the rates of pilotage outside the limits of a port has the following boundaries:

     - in the water area of the seaport of Naryan Mar from the site of delivery/disembarkation of a pilot in the area of the Lotsmansky light buoy with the coordinates: Latitude=68o29,8'N, Longitude= 054o32,85'E to berths and roads (anchoring stations) of the seaport of Naryan Mar. The routes of pilotage and their duration are attached.

     - in the area between berths and roads (anchoring stations) in the seaport of Naryan Mar. The routes of pilotage and their duration are attached.
     Pilot embarkation/disembarkation to/from vessels heading to/leaving from the seaport of Naryan-Mar takes place near “Lotsmansky” buoy with coordinates: 68º29,8’N latitude, 05º43,28’E longitude, while pilot disembarkation/embarkation takes place at the berths of the seaport, or near the inshore mooring located between the bearing line 144,3º at the back sign of the Zavodskoy range, and the line going in the 131,3/311,3º direction through the crossing point of the Zavodskoy and the Zakhrebetny ranges.
     Pilot embarkation/disembarkation for inner pilotages connected with demooring, shifting and other moving of a vessel in the water area of the Naryan-Mar seaport takes place at the berths or near the inshore moorings of the Naryan-Mar seaport.

     The seaport of Onega

     In accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Onega approved by Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No 13 of January 22, 2014 the area of compulsory pilotage of vessels in the seaport of Onega has been established within the boundaries of the water area of the seaport that have been approved by Russia's Government Directive No 235-r of February 27, 2010 (amended and revised).

Схема района обязательной лоцманской проводки судов в морском порту Онега Схема района обязательной лоцманской проводки судов в морском порту Онега
Схема района обязательной лоцманской проводки судов в морском порту Онега

     For the purpose of payment of pilotage dues in the seaport of Onega the area of pilotage made on the rates of pilotage outside the limits of the port has the following boundaries:

     - in the water area of the seaport of Onega from the pilot boarding place with the coordinates: Latitude=63o59,2'N, Longitude= 037o33,7'E to the berths and roads (anchoring stations) of the seaport of Onega. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached.

     - between the berths and roads (anchoring stations) in the seaport of Onega. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached;

     - in the area of the Solovki sea terminal of the seaport of Onega from the embarkation/disembarkation place with the coordinates: Latitude=64o54,8'N, Longitude= 35o43,5'E to berths and roads (anchoring stations), as well as between roads and berths of the Solovki sea terminal of the seaport of Onega. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached;

     - in the area of the Belomorsk sea terminal of the seaport of Onega:

     a) from the pilot boarding place with the coordinates: Latitude=64o34,72'N, Longitude= 35o14,0'E;

     b)  pilot boarding place with the coordinates: Latitude=64o30,72'N, Longitude= 034o48,5'E to berths, roads (anchoring stations) and the south-western line of the Belomorsk sea terminal of the seaport of Onega (the embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot with the coordinates: Latitude=64o30,72'N, Longitude= 34o48,5'E), as well as between berths and anchoring stations. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached.

Схема района внутрипортовых и внепортовых лоцманских проводок (морской порт Онега) Cхема районов внутрипортовых и внепортовых лоцманских проводок (морской терминал Беломорск морского порта Онега)
Cхема районов внутрипортовых и внепортовых лоцманских проводок (морской терминал Соловки морского порта Онега)

     The embarkation/disembarkation of pilots of the Arkhangelsk Branch aboard/from vessels is performed:

     - when calling at the seaport of Onega at the point with the coordinates: Latitude=63o59,2'N, Longitude= 37o33,7'E and the embarkation/disembarkation are made at the berths of the seaport of Onega or on the anchoring station;

     - when calling at the Solovki sea terminal of the seaport of Onega at the point with the coordinates: Latitude=64o54,8'N, Longitude= 35o43,5'E, and the embarkation/disembarkation is made at the Tamarin pier or at the road station;

     - when calling at the Belomorsk sea terminal of the seaport of Onega at the point with the coordinates: Latitude=64o34,48'N, Longitude= 35o14,0'E, and the embarkation/disembarkation is performed at the berths of the Belomorsk sea terminal or at Gates No 19 of the White Sea – Baltic Sea Canal.


     The seaport of Sabetta


     Pursuant to the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Sabetta approved by Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Order No 9 of January 21, 2016 the approach channel and the part of Section No 1 of the water area of the seaport of Sabetta within the boundaries established by the Russia's Government Directive No 1259-r located to the south-west and to the west of the approach channel in immediate proximity of the berths are the area of compulsory pilotage in the seaport of Sabetta.

     The approaches toward the seaport and Section No. 2 and Section No. 3 of the water area of seaport of Sabetta within the boundaries established by Russia's Government Directive No 1259-r of July 13, 2012 are considered an area of non-compulsory pilotage in the seaport of Sabetta in accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Sabetta.

Схема района обязательных лоцманских проводок в морском порту Сабетта Схема района необязательных лоцманских проводок в районе подходов к морском порту Сабетта Схема района необязательных лоцманских проводок в районе участка № 2 морского порта Сабетта Схема района необязательных лоцманских проводок в районе участка № 3 морского порта Сабетта

     For the purpose of paying pilotage dues in the seaport of Sabetta the areas of pilotage made on the rates of pilotage outside the limits of the port have the following boundaries:

     a) from the embarkation/disembarkation place in the point with the coordinates: Latitude=71º20'00''N, Longitude= 072º16'00"E to berths and anchoring stations of Section No 1 of the seaport of Sabetta. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached.

     b) between berths and anchoring stations of Section No 1 of the seaport of Sabetta. The routes of pilotage and their length are attached.

     c) from the north-eastern entrance into the sea canal (from the approaches toward the seaport of Sabetta) to embarkation/disembarkation place in the point with the coordinates: Latitude=71º20'00''N, Longitude= 072º16'00"E. The length of pilotage route makes up to 81 nautical miles.

     d) from the embarkation/disembarkation place in the point with the coordinates: Latitude=71º20'00''N, Longitude= 072º16'00"E to berths of Section No 2 of the water area of the seaport of Sabetta. The length of pilotage route makes up to 38.5 nautical miles.

     e) from the embarkation/disembarkation place in the point with the coordinates: Latitude=71º20'00''N, Longitude= 072º16'00"E to berths of Section No 3 of the seaport of Sabetta. The length of pilotage route makes up to 182 nautical miles.

Схема маршрутов лоцманских проводок на участке № 1 морского порта Сабетта     During the winter navigation, the area of pilotage performed on the rates of pilotage dues for pilotage outside the limits of the port has been restricted by the point of passing freight vessels from a linear icebreaker to a harbor icebreaker that has been coordinated with the captain of the seaport of Sabetta and by the berths of the seaport of Sabetta. In this case the length of pilotage is determined by the distance between the actual point of delivering a pilot aboard a vessel and berths of the seaport of Sabetta and makes up to 4.7-8.9 nautical miles.


Схема маршрутов лоцманских проводок в районе необязательных лоцманских проводок морского порта Сабетта

     Pilotage service is provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch to vessels in the seaport of Sabetta round-the-clock in accordance with the requirements of the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Sabetta.
     The embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot aboard a vessel / from a vessel moving to/from the seaport of Sabetta is made in the point with the coordinates: Latitude=71º20'00''N, Longitude= 072º16'00"E and in the area of Anchoring Station No. 1, and the disembarkation /embarkation is made at the berths of the seaport of Sabetta. For the period of winter navigation the embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot is made at the point of passing a freight vessel vessels from a linear icebreaker to a harbor icebreaker that has been coordinated with the captain of the seaport of Sabetta.

     For the purposes of carrying out pilotage related to hauling, shifting and other relocation of vessels in the water area of the seaport of Sabetta the embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot is made at berths of the seaport.


     Water area of the Northern Sea Route

     Under Article 5.1 of the Russian Merchant Shipping Code the water area of the Northern Sea Route represents a water zone adjacent to the northern coast of the Russian Federation. It covers inland seas, territorial waters, an adjacent zone and an exclusive zone of the Russian Federation. Eastward it is limited by the line of demarcation of sea waters with the United States of America and the parallel of Cape Dezhnev in the Bering Strait, westward it is limited by the longitude of Cape Zhelaniya to Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, by the eastern coast line of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago and by the western boundaries of Matochkin Strait, Kara Strait and Yugor Strait.

     Ice pilotage routes begin/end when crossing the boundary of polar waters, running along an orthodromic line from the point with coordinates: Latitude=73°31.6'N Longtitude=019°01'E (Bjornøya Island), to the point with coordinates: Latitude=68°38.29'N Longtitude=043°23.08'E (cape Kanin Nos), and end/begin at the intersection point of the parallel 60°00'N in the Bering Sea.

     The routes run through the Barents and Kara Seas, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian, Chukchi and Bering Seas.

     The choice of route options on various sections in each specific case is determined by the actual ice conditions, technical characteristics of the vessels being navigated and the availability of icebreaking support.
     An ice pilot embarkation on board the vessel can be made in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Big Port of St. Petersburg, Korsakov or Murmansk, as well as in a foreign seaport (if possible) specified in the application, from which the vessel proceeds to the waters of the Northern Sea Route. Embarkation of an ice pilot on board the vessel being conducted is also possible in another place agreed with the customer, provided that the necessary vehicles are available to deliver the pilot on board the required vessel.

     The landing of an ice pilot is possible in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Big Port of St. Petersburg, Korsakov or Murmansk, as well as in a foreign seaport (if possible), which is the first seaport of call of the vessel after passing through the waters of the Northern Sea Route. Disembarkation of an ice pilot from the vessel being escorted is also possible in another place agreed with the customer, provided that the necessary vehicles for removing the pilot are available.

     3. Information about the area of carrying out deviation operations


     The deviation range on which compass adjusters of the Arkhangelsk Branch remove magnet deviation by means of the ERI method is located in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk in an area limited by the coordinates:

     1) L=64°31,47'N L=040°30,60'E;

     2) L=64°32,01'N L=040°30,20' E;

     3) L=64°31,80'N L=040°31,30' E;

     4) L=64°31,47'N  L=040°31,17' E.

Plan of the deviation range
     This method of deviation correction does not require the use of auxiliary equipment and it is applied for compasses of any systems. Deviation works are carried out with the relevant visibility sufficient for geometry of facilities.

     The embarkation/disembarkation of a compass adjuster pilot on a vessel for deviation works is made on berths of the seaport of Arkhangelsk or on a pilot board place in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk.

     4. Procedure for rendering pilotage services

     Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Arkhangelsk


     Pilotage service of vessels in the seaport of Arkhangelsk (except for the water area section located in the Severnaya Bay of Dezhnev Gulf, Alexandra Land Island of the Frantz Josef Land Archipelago) is rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch round-the-clock pursuant to the requirements of the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Arkhangelsk.

     Pursuant to the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Arkhangelsk the following vessels are exempt from compulsory pilotage in the area of compulsory pilotage in the seaport of Arkhangelsk:

     - small size vessels, leisure boats, sports sailing ships;

     - low-displacement freight vessels and inland waterways vessels of gross registered tonnage less than 500 tons;

     - dredgers, cargo supply lighters, anchor boats;

     - icebreakers stationed in the seaport;

     - passenger vessels performing transshipment within the water area of the seaport;

     - vessels of a harbor fleet;

     - vessels of gross registered tonnage within 500-3000 tons that have no dangerous cargoes aboard in the buoyed channel of Mudyug Towers Range of 5.1 nautical miles long, from Mudyug Light Buoy No 1 to Light Buoy No 8 on the left where one can embark a pilot when calling at the seaport and disembark a pilot when leaving the seaport.

     Pilotage services in the seaport of Arkhangelsk for which pilotage dues are levied are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch pursuant to the terms of a framework contract on rendering services for ensuring navigation and vessel(s) stay in seaports. The terms of the contract and the procedure for concluding it are specified in the Section, “Arkhangelsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.

     The Arkhangelsk Branch renders pilotage services in order of sequence of written requests given by vessel owners / sea agents in accordance with a sailing plan in the seaport of Arkhangelsk and the priority of pilotage service of vessels. Applications for pilotage of vessels exempt from compulsory pilotage are submitted subject to standard procedure for filing applications for pilotage of vessels.

     On grounds of simultaneously given requests in case of the lack of pilots to meet all submitted requests the priority is placed upon fulfilling requests for pilotage of vessels moving under motorway and railway vertical lift spans across Severnaya Dvina River and vessels moving in maximum draft.


     An application for pilotage of a vessel moving to the seaport of Arkhangelsk is sent by captains/ship owners/sea agents to the control service of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7 (8182) 67-013-43 or by email or directly to the control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch at: 14 Cosmonaut Komarov St., storey 3, PRR “Ekonomiya”, Arkhangelsk-26, Arkhangelsk Region, Russia 163026:

     - for vessels moving to the seaport of Arkhangelsk 48 hours and 24 hours before the estimated time of the vessel’s approach toward Mudyugsky No 1 Entrance Buoy with the following specification six hours before the estimated time in the winter period and four hours before the estimated time in other seasons;

     - for vessels leaving the seaport of Arkhangelsk and passing from one cargo district to another and during other operations for vessel re-anchoring in the seaport of Arkhangelsk six hours before the estimated time in the winter navigation period and four hours before the estimated time in other seasons, with following specification of time two hours before the estimated time.

     If a vessel approaches Mudyugsky No 1 Entrance Buoy more than 30 minutes later than the time specified in the application, a pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch can be sent to another vessel, and the vessel which has arrived late should stand at the berth and wait for its designated order for pilotage on grounds of a request to render pilotage services sent again by a ship owner/ a sea agent.

In case of the lack of pilots in order to meet requests for rendering pilotage services given simultaneously and, thereby, in case of the impossibility to deliver pilots aboard a vessel by the term specified in a request, the pilot's service of the Arkhangelsk Branch informs a captain of a vessel, a sea agent or a ship owner, as well as VTS of the seaport of Arkhangelsk, about the occurred changes three hours before the time of the beginning of provision of pilotage services specified in the request and informs of the new, if possible the nearest time of the pilot's arrival  aboard a vessel in priority order of pilotage service of vessels.


     Ship owners/sea agents can specify the time and the site of a pilot's embarkation round-the-clock by telephones of the Arkhangelsk Branch operations control service +7(8182) 67-13-43 and +7(921) 083-65-77.

     An earlier given request for pilotage can be canceled or deferred in case of a vessel's unpreparedness for the departure no less than

     - six hours in advance during the winter navigation period and four hours in advance in other seasons for vessels moving to the seaport of Arkhangelsk;

     - four hours in advance during the winter navigation period and two hours in advance in other seasons for vessels leaving the seaport of Arkhangelsk, as well as by passing from one cargo district to another or in case of carrying out other pilot's operations for vessel re-anchoring

     in a written form to a dispatcher of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7 (8182) 67-13-43 or a scan by email

     When embarking a vessel, the Arkhangelsk branch pilot shows his pilot card to the captain of the vessel and presents a pilotage invoice, which confirms the right of the pilot to conduct pilotage of the vessel, and in which records of pilotage conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilot are kept, including the remarks, if there are any. The pilotage invoices filled out and signed by the captain serve as the grounds for payment.
     The Arkhangelsk Branch is not responsible for possible delays and vessel idleness in the following cases:
     - the captain of the vessel did not meet the requirements of Compulsory Regulations of the Arkhangelsk seaport on informing on the vessel’s approaching the Mudyugsky №1 buoy, and if all pilots of the Arkhangelsk Branch are busy;
     - application for pilotage services for a leaving vessels or for pilotage within the water area of the seaport was not submitted in due time;
     - due to harsh hydro-meteorological conditions.

     A vessel captain, who called for a pilot and who declined the pilot's services upon his arrival aboard, must file and sign a pilotage invoice to collect 50% pilotage dues due to be paid for pilotage and for an operation for which the pilot has been called.

    When pilotage is delayed for more than 30 minutes through the vessel's fault, a pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch can be recalled from the vessel upon the signing of a pilotage invoice for a vain call and paying 50% of pilotage dues for supposed pilotage or an operation for which the pilot of the Branch has been called, and the application shall been annulled.


     Pilotage dues are levied for pilotage services rendered in the seaport of Arkhangelsk by the Arkhangelsk Branch. Information on the rates of pilotage dues and the procedure for collecting them can be found in the Section, “Arkhangelsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.

     Procedure of rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Mezen


     Pilotage services in the seaport of Mezen are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch day and night during the summer navigation from May 1 to October 1 (the exact commencement and end of navigation in the seaport of Mezen are announced by a resolution taken by the captain of the seaport) pursuant to the requirements of the Compulsory Regulationsin the seaport of Mezen

     The following vessels are free of compulsory pilotage in the area of pilotage in the seaport of Mezen subject to the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Mezen:

     - small and sports vessels, sailings ships, leisure boats;

     - vessels of the port fleet;

     - vessels entering the port from inland waterways and vessels leaving for inland waterways.

     Pilotage services in the seaport of Mezen for which pilotage dues are levied are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch pursuant to the terms of a framework services contract on navigation in and arrival of a vessel (vessels) at seaports. The terms of the contract and the procedure for signing it is specified in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”.

     The Arkhangelsk Branch performs pilotage of vessels in order of precession of written requests filed by ship owners/marine agents under a daily vessel traffic and positioning schedule in the seaport of Mezen. Requests for pilotage of vessels free of compulsory pilotage are filed by ship owners/marine agents in the standard manner prescribed for filing requests for pilotage.

     An application for pilotage is submitted by captains of vessels/ship owners/marine agents to an operational manager of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7 (8182) 67-13-43 or a scan by e-mail or couriers at: 14 (the 3rd floor) Kosmonavta Komarova Street, Ekonomiya PRR, Arkhangelsk-26, Arkhangelsk Branch, Russia 163026.

     - for vessels moving to the seaport of Mezen 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours before the estimated time of a vessel approach toward the Mezen entrance buoy with the subsequent specification six hours before;

     - for vessels moving from the seaport of Mezen and for hauling, shifting or other re-anchoring of a vessel in the water area of Mezen at least six hours before the commencement of pilotage.

     Ship owners/marine agents can specify the time and a boarding place of a pilot by telephone of the control center of the Arkhangelsk Branch +7 (8182) 67-13-43 (round-the-clock).

     To cancel earlier submitted request for pilotage or postpone it to another time in case of a vessel’s non-preparedness for sailing, a request must be submitted to an operational manager of the Arkhangelsk Branch in a written form by fax +7 (8182) 67-13-43 and +7 (81853) 467-29 or a scan by e-mail at least

     - 12 hours before a vessel moving to the seaport of Mezen approaches toward the Mezen entrance buoy;

     - three hours before a vessel leaves the seaport or starts pilotage, hauling, shifting or other re-anchoring of a vessel in the water area of the seaport of Mezen.


     A pilot, who has arrived aboard a vessel, presents his pilot’s certificate to the captain of the vessel and provides a pilot’s bill, which confirms the pilot’s right to perform pilotage of this vessel. The bill specifies the fact of pilotage of a vessel by a pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch and possible remarks on his work. Pilot’s bills filed and signed by a captain of a vessel serves as the basis for calculating the payment for pilotage.


     The pilot service of the Arkhangelsk Branch does not assume responsibility for possible delays and demurrages of a vessel in the following circumstances:

     - if a request for pilotage has been submitted beyond the fixed terms for filing it or a vessel has approached toward a pilot board place with over two hours’ delay from the declared time;

     - a pilot’s embarkation is impossible due to the unfavorable hydrometeorological conditions;

     - a captain of a vessel has refused pilotage by means of leading.

     At the time a pilotage operation is delayed for the term of over 30 minutes of the scheduled time due to a fault of a vessel a pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch can be recalled from the vessel and a request is withdrawn. The captain of the vessel (or a person, who replaces him) must sign a pilot’s bill for a groundless call. The vessel captain, who has called a pilot and given up his duties upon his arrival aboard the vessel, must file and sign a pilot’s bill to levy 50% of pilotage for a supposed pilotage operation or an operation for which a pilot of the branch has been called.


     Pilotage dues are levied for pilotage dues rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch in the seaport of Mezen. Information on the rates of pilotage dues and the procedure for levying them is available in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”.


      Procedure for rendering pilotage services in the seaport of Naryan Mar


     Pilotage services in the seaport of Naryan Mar (except for the sea terminal of Amderma) are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch round-the-clock from June to October pursuant to the requirements of the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Naryan Mar.

     The following vessels are released from compulsory pilotage in the area of compulsory pilotage in the seaport of Naryan Mar pursuant to the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Naryan Mar:

     - small-size vessels, sports sailing boats, recreational craft;

     - vessels carrying out operations for maintenance and supply of vessels in the water area of the seaport of Naryan Mar and on the approaches toward it, and of facilities of the seaport infrastructure.

     Pilotage services in the seaport of Naryan Mar for which pilotage dues are collected are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch in accordance with the terms of a framework contract on rendering services for ensuring navigation of vessels and vessel(s) stay in seaports. The terms of the contract and the procedure for signing it are specified in the Section, “Arkhangelsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.

     The Arkhangelsk Branch carries out pilotage of vessels under written requests submitted by vessel owners/sea agents in order of precedence pursuant to a daily sailing plan of vessels in the seaport of Naryan Mar. Requests for pilotage of vessels exempt from compulsory pilotage are sent by vessel owners/sea agents in accordance with standard procedure for submitting requests for pilotage of vessels.

     An application for pilotage of a vessel is sent by captains of vessels/vessel owners/sea agents to a dispatcher of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7 (8182) 67-13-43 or a scan by email or by courier at: 163026 Arkhangelsk-26, PRR “Ekonomiya”, 14 Kosmonavta Komarova St. (storey 3) and a scan to a captain of the seaport of Naryan Mar by email

     - for vessels moving to the seaport of Naryan Mar 24 hours in advance with the specification six hours before the approach of the vessel toward Lotsmanskiy Buoy;

     - for vessels leaving the seaport of Naryan Mar, as well as for the purposes of hauling, shifting and other re-anchoring of a vessel in the water area of the seaport no less than three hours before starting a pilot's operation.

     Vessel owners/marine agents can clarify the time and the place of a pilot's embarkation by telephone of the control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch +7 (8182) 67-13-43 (round-the-clock).

     A request for pilotage given earlier can be canceled or deferred in case of a vessel's unpreparedness for the departure no less than

     - 12 hours before the approach of a vessel moving to the seaport of Naryan Mar to Lotsmanskiy Entrance Buoy;

     - 1.5 hours before the pilotage operation in other cases,

     in a written form to a dispatcher of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7 (8182) 67-13-43 or a scan by email or, as well as a scan to a captain of the seaport of Naryan Mar by email


     When embarking a vessel, the Arkhangelsk branch pilot shows his pilot card to the captain of the vessel and presents a pilotage invoice, which confirms the right of the pilot to conduct pilotage of the vessel, and in which records of pilotage conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilot are kept, including the remarks, if there are any. The pilotage invoices filled out and signed by the captain serve as the grounds for payment.


    The Arkhangelsk Branch is not responsible for possible delays and vessel idleness in the following cases:

     - if a request for pilotage services is submitted after the established term for request submission or a vessel has approached the site of a pilot's embarkation two hours behind the declared time;

     - if delivery of a pilot is impossible due to harsh hydro-meteorological conditions.

     - if the captain of the vessel refused pilotage by leading method.


     When a pilot's operation is delayed for more than 30 minutes from the designated time due to the fault of a vessel a pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch can be recalled from the vessel, and the request shall been annulled. A captain of the vessel (or a person replacing him) is obliged to sign a pilot's bill for the false call.


     Pilotage dues are collected for pilotage services rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch in the seaport of Naryan Mar. Information on the rates of pilotage dues and the procedure for collecting them can be found in the Section, “Arkhangelsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.

     Procedure for provision of the pilotage services in the seaport of Onega

     Pilotage of vessels in the seaport of Onega is carried out by the Arkhangelsk Branch round the clock in accordance with the requirements of the Compulsory Regulations of the seaport of Onega.

     Pilotage services in the seaport of Onega, for which the pilotage dues are collected, are provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch in accordance with the terms and conditions of the standard contract for the provision of services on ensuring navigation and stay of the vessel(s) in the seaports. The terms and conditions of the contract and the procedure for its conclusion are set out in the section “Harbor dues and tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”.

     The Arkhangelsk Branch carries out pilotage of vessels in order of priority of the written applications submitted by shipowners/marine agents and in accordance with the daily vessel movement schedule in the seaport of Onega.


     The application for pilotage of a vessel shall be submitted by masters of vessels/shipowners/marine agents:

      A) when a vessel goes to/from the seaport of Onega (with the exception of the sea terminals of Belomorsk and Solovki) - to the pilot service of the Separate Onega Subdivision of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax: +7 (81839) 721-51, with oral duplication by phone: +7 (81839) 712-85, or in the scanned form by e-mail:, or by VHF radio communication on channel 16 (working channel 9) (call sign "Onega-radio-5"), as well as to the duty officer of the Inspection of the State Port Control of the Onega Branch of FSI Arkhangelsk Sea Port Administration (hereinafter - ISPC of the Onega Branch) by fax: +7 (81839) 728-88, or by VHF radio communication on channel 16 (working channel 9) round the clock, or delivered by courier to the address: 164840, Onega, Kirova Ave., 107:

      - for the vessel going to the seaport of Onega, 48 hours and 24 hours beforehand with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand;

      - for intraport movement of the vessel or for the exit of the vessel from the seaport of Onega, 12 hours beforehand with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand.

      B) when a vessel goes to/from the sea terminal of Solovki - to the traffic control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or in the scanned form by e-mail:, and also in a copy to the duty officer of the ISPC of the Onega Branch by fax: +7 (81839) 728-88, or by VHF radio communication on channel 16 (working channel 9) round the clock:

      - for the vessel going to the berths of the sea terminal of Solovki of the seaport of Onega, 48 hours and 24 hours beforehand with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand;

      - for intraport movement in the area of the sea terminal of Solovki, as well as for the exit of the vessel from the sea terminal, 12 hours beforehand with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand.

      C) when a vessel goes to/from the sea terminal of Belomorsk - to the pilot service of the sea terminal of Belomorsk of the Arkhangelsk Branch in the scanned form by e-mail: or to the traffic control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or in the scanned form by e-mail:

      - for the vessel going from the White Sea-Baltic Canal to the berths of the sea terminal of Belomorsk or in transit to the Onega Bay, or from the Onega Bay to the berths of the sea terminal or in transit to the White Sea-Baltic Canal, 48 hours and 24 hours beforehand with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand;

      - for intraport movement in the water area of the sea terminal or for the exit of the vessel from the sea terminal of Belomorsk, 12 hours beforehand with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand. 

     Ship owners / marine agents can specify the time and place of a pilot’s reception:

     A) by calling the pilotage service of the standalone subdivision “Onega” of the Arkhangelsk Branch by telephone +7 (81839) 712-85, +7 (81839) 721-51 (Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the break is from 12:00 to 1 p.m.) when a vessel is moving to/from the seaport of Onega (except for the sea terminals of Belomorsk and Solovki);

     B) by calling Arkhangelsk Branch pilot’s department of the sea terminal of Belomorsk by telephone +7 (921) 452-14-15 or +7 (921) 452-18-13 (round-the-clock) when a vessel is moving to/from the sea terminal of Belomorsk.


     The cancelation of the earlier submitted request for pilotage or the postponement of its execution to another time in case of a vessel’s unpreparedness for clearing should be carried out:

     A) when a vessel is moving to/from the sea terminal of Solovki at least two hours prior to a pilot’s operation by calling the Arkhangelsk Branch control service telephone +7 (8182) 67-13-43 (round-the-clock);

     B) when a vessel is moving to/from the sea terminal of Belomorsk at least six hours prior to the commencement of a pilotage operation by calling telephone of the Arkhangelsk Branch pilotage department of the sea terminal of Belomorsk +7 (921) 452-14-15 or +7 (921) 452-18-13 (round-the-clock).


     When embarking a vessel, the Arkhangelsk branch pilot shows his pilot card to the captain of the vessel and presents a pilotage invoice, which confirms the right of the pilot to conduct pilotage of the vessel, and in which records of pilotage conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilot are kept, including the remarks, if there are any. The pilotage invoices filled out and signed by the captain serve as the grounds for payment.

    The Arkhangelsk Branch is not responsible for possible delays and vessel idleness in the following cases:

     - if a request for pilotage services is submitted after the established term for request submission or a vessel has approached the site of a pilot's embarkation two hours behind the declared time;

     - if delivery of a pilot is impossible due to harsh hydro-meteorological conditions.

     - if the captain of the vessel refused pilotage by leading.


     The Arkhangelsk Branch pilot has the right to refuse providing pilotage or stop it in the following cases:

      - if the captain and chief officer are simultaneously absent;

      - if the vessel draught is more than the reported draught;

      - if the vessel has more than 5 degrees of heel, or a considerable down-angle;

      - if the vessel is not ready after 30 minutes from the agreed start time;

      - if the vessel is unseaworthy;

      - if the captain did not order tow boats for mooring.


      The master of the vessel who summoned the pilot and who, after the latter's arrival aboard the vessel, refused the services of the pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch, is obliged to fill in and sign a pilot's bill for collecting 50% of the pilotage dues for the intended pilotage or operation for which the pilot of the Branch was called.

       If the pilot operation is delayed for more than 30 minutes due to the fault of the vessel, the pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch may be recalled from the vessel with the signature of the pilot's bill for a false call, and the application may be canceled.


       Pilotage dues shall be charged for the pilotage services provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch in the seaport of Onega. Information on the rates of the pilotage dues and the procedure for their collection is given in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”.


     The procedure for the provision of pilotage services in the seaport of Sabetta


     The Arkhangelsk Branch carries out pilotage of vessels in order of priority of the written applications submitted by shipowners/marine agents and in accordance with the daily vessel movement schedule in the seaport of Sabetta.

     Pilotage services in the seaport of Sabetta, for which the pilotage dues are collected, are provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch in accordance with the terms and conditions of the standard contract for the provision of services on ensuring navigation and stay of the vessel(s) in the seaports. The terms and conditions of the contract and the procedure for its conclusion are set out in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch".

In accordance with the Compulsory Regulations of the seaport of Sabetta, in the compulsory pilotage area at the Sabetta seaport the following categories of vessels are exempted from the compulsory pilotage:

     - icebreakers during icebreaker support;

     - ships and inland navigation vessels of less than 500 gross tonnage;

     - inland navigation and mixed-navigation vessels with a length of less than 80 metres;

     - tug and tow with rigid hitch and with dumb barges of less than 100 metres;

     - vessels carrying out dredging operations in the seaport area;

     - small pleasure and sport crafts;

     - vessels engaged in servicing and supplying ships in the seaport area and its approach channels, seaport infrastructure facilities.

     Applications for pilotage of vessels exempt from compulsory pilotage shall be submitted within a general order of vessel pilotage applications.


     The application for pilotage of a vessel going to/from the seaport of Sabetta shall be submitted by masters of vessels/shipowners/marine agents to the traffic control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or in the scanned form by e-mail: or

     - for vessels going to the seaport of Sabetta, 48 hours before the estimated time of the vessel approach to the seaport, with subsequent clarification 6 hours beforehand in the winter navigation period and 4 hours beforehand for the rest of the year;

     - for vessels going from the seaport of Sabetta, as well as when moving from one seaport berth to another or in other operations for vessel movement in the seaport of Sabetta, 6 hours beforehand in the winter navigation period and 4 hours beforehand for the rest of the year, with subsequent clarification 2 hours beforehand.

     If a vessel approached the pilot boarding place later than 30 minutes of the date specified in the application, the pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch may be sent to another vessel, and the late vessel must anchor to wait for the newly assigned

pilotage order on the basis of a pilotage service application resubmitted by a shipowner/marine agent.

     Shipowners/marine agents can clarify the time and place of pilot boarding by the telephone numbers of the Arkhangelsk Branch dispatch office, 24 hours: +7 (8182) 67-13-43 or +7 (921) 083-65-77.

     When there is a lack of pilots to accommodate all applications for vessel pilotage at the same time and, consequently, the impossibility of conveying the pilot to the vessel at the time specified in the application, the traffic control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch informs the master of the vessel, the marine agent or the shipowner about the late changes 3 hours before the pilotage commencement time specified in the application and reports, if possible, the new time of the pilot’s arrival on the vessel in order of priority of vessel pilotage.

     An application for pilotage cancellation or its deferral for another time if the ship is not ready for departure must be sent by masters of vessels/shipowners/marine agents to the traffic control service of the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or in the scanned form by e-mail: or, not less than:

      - 6 hours beforehand in the winter navigation period and 4 hours beforehand for the rest of the year for vessels going to the seaport of Sabetta;

      - 4 hours beforehand in the winter navigation period and 2 hours beforehand for the rest of the year for vessels going from the seaport of Sabetta, as well as when moving from one seaport berth to another or in other operations for vessel movement.


      When embarking a vessel, the Arkhangelsk Branch pilot shows his pilot card to the captain of the vessel and presents a pilotage invoice, which confirms the right of the pilot to conduct pilotage of the vessel, and in which records of pilotage conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilot are kept, including the remarks, if there are any. The pilotage invoices filled out and signed by the captain serve as the grounds for payment.

      The Pilot Service of the Arkhangelsk Branch is not responsible for any possible delays and demurrages of a vessel, if:

      - the master of the vessel did not inform about the approach to the entrance buoy, and there was no required free pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch on the ship by the time the ship approached the entrance buoy;

      - if the application for pilotage services was not submitted in due time;

      - if pilot delivery is impossible due to harsh hydro-meteorological conditions;  


      The master of the vessel who asked for a pilot and declined the pilot services of the Arkhangelsk Branch after the latter's arrival aboard the ship, is obliged to fill in and sign a pilot's bill to recover 50% of the pilotage fee for the supposed pilotage or operation for which the pilot of the branch was called.

      If pilotage is delayed for more than 30 minutes due to the fault of the vessel, the pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch may be recalled from the vessel with the signing of a pilot's bill for a wasted call and the recovery of 50% of the pilotage dues for the supposed pilotage or operation for which the pilot of the Branch was called, and the application may be canceled.


      Pilotage dues are charged for pilot services provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch in the seaport of Sabetta. Information on the pilotage dues rates and the procedure for their charge can be found in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”.


     Procedure for providing ice pilotage services in the waters of the Northern Sea Route


     Ice pilotage services for vessels are provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch in accordance with the Rules for navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1487 dated 18.09.2020, Rules for ice pilotage of vessels in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 25 dated 01.02.2022, Regulations on ice pilots, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 424 dated 20.10.2022, and Regulations on the provision of ice pilotage services for vessels in the waters of the Northern Sea Route and in Polar waters by ice pilots of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch, approved by the director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch dated 10.01.2024.

     The services on ice pilotage of vessels are provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch to all interested ship owners on a contractual basis in accordance with the terms of the standard contract for ice pilotage of vessels (hereinafter - the Contract).

     To conclude the Contract, the customer sends a written application to the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax: +7 (8182) 65-03-43, or in the scanned form to the e-mail address:

The application will be considered within 24 hours and in the absence of technical restrictions on the possibility of providing the declared services and upon submission by the customer of all necessary documents for concluding the Contract, the customer is sent two copies of the executed contract for signing. The Contract signed by the customer should be returned to the Arkhangelsk Branch by post or by courier at: ul. Karla Libknekhta 34, Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Region, Russia, 163046.

     The additional information on the procedure for concluding the Contract can be obtained by phone: +7 (8182) 65-69-23 or +7 (921) 240-70-79 (from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:15 Moscow time, the lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00).

     In accordance with the concluded contract, an ice pilot is provided to the customer's vessel in accordance with the application for provision of an ice pilot to the to the duty dispatcher of the Arkhangelsk Branch in scanned or written form by email: and a copy addressed to the director of the branch by email:

     Applications for an ice pilot are submitted 7 days before the planned start of work, with clarification 72 hours in advance and confirmation 48 hours in advance.

     The application is considered to be accepted after official confirmation of the possibility of its implementation by authorized employees of the Arkhangelsk Branch: the duty dispatcher or the Deputy Director for Navigation Safety and Operations by phone +7 (921) 240-70-79 (from 8:00 to 17:15 Moscow time, lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00) or by confirming the possibility of providing the stated service by email:

     An earlier given request for ice pilot services can be canceled by the customer in written form by email of the duty dispatcher of the Arkhangelsk Branch: and a copy addressed to the director of the Arkhangelsk Branch:, no later than than 48 hours before the expected start of the service.

     Applications for cancellation of a pilot should be submitted:

     - while the vessel moves to the Seaport of Sabetta – not later than 48 hours before the anticipated start of the service;

     - when the vessel moves from the Seaport of Sabetta – not later than 72 hours before the anticipated start of the service.


     An ice pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch arriving aboard the vessel presents to the captain of the vessel an ice pilot's certificate confirming the right of the ice pilot to provide services for ice pilotage of the vessel in the waters of the Northern Sea Route and provides a pilot's bill in which the fact of providing the service for ice pilotage by the ice pilot of the Arkhangelsk Branch is registered with possible comments to his work. The receipt filled in and signed by the captain of the vessel serves as the basis for payment of the service for ice pilotage of the vessel.


     For services provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch for ice pilotage in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, a fee is charged in accordance with the rates of the branch. The information on the cost of the services for ice pilotage of vessels by ice pilots of the Arkhangelsk Branch is given in the section "Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch".

     5. Procedure for rendering additional pilotage services (deviation removal)


     Deviation removal services are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch to ship owners concerned under a framework services contract on detecting and removing deviation (hereinafter referred to as the Contract). 

     In order to sign the Contract a customer sends an application for concluding the Contract by fax of the Arkhangelsk Branch +7 (8182) 65-03-43 or a scan by e-mail The Arkhangelsk Branch confirms the receipt of a request in a written form by sending an answer on a customer’s fax or e-mail. The request received by the Arkhangelsk Branch is considered within five days and with no  technical restrictions on a possibility to provide declared works and on presenting all documents required for signing the Contract the branch sends two copies of the Contract to a customer for signing. The signed copy of the Contract should be returned to the Arkhangelsk Branch by a customer at: 34 K. Libkhnekht St., Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Region 163046.


     In exceptional cases for the purpose of urgency deviation works are carried out by the Arkhangelsk Branch without signing a contract on the basis of a request for carrying out deviation works. The request is sent to the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7 (8182) 65-03-43 or a scan is sent by e-mail The Arkhangelsk Branch confirms the receipt of the request in a written form by sending an answer to the customer’s fax or e-mail.  The request received by the Arkhangelsk Branch is considered within 24 hours and with no technical restrictions on a possibility to keep declared works on a customer by fax or by e-mail specified in the request a confirmation of the Arkhangelsk Branch declared work execution is sent. When it is impossible to carry out declared works a customer is sent a motivated refusal by specifying reasons for the impossibility to carry them out. 

     In accordance with the customer’s application, a compass adjuster of the Arkhangelsk Branch arrives aboard a vessel at a time specified in the request and an anchoring ground of a vessel at a berth or at an anchoring (roadstead) station in the seaport of Arkhangelsk.

     Upon arrival aboard a vessel a compass adjuster of the Arkhangelsk Branch presents a certificate, which confirms the right to carrying out deviation works, to a captain of a vessel.

     Upon completion of deviation works the compass adjuster of the Arkhangelsk Branch gives a table of remainingdeviation and an act of rendered services to a captain of a vessel. On the basis of an act of rendered services signed by the captain of the vessel the Arkhangelsk Branch issues an invoice, which should be paid within five days from the date of its receipt.


     Information on tariffs for services rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch to eliminate deviation in the seaport of Arkhangelsk is available in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”. 

     6. Statistics 

     Information on pilotages in the seaport of Arkhangelsk conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilots


Number of operations

Total distance, sea miles

2007-2019 ⇲



































     Information on pilotages in the seaport of Mezen conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilots


Number of operations

Total distance, sea miles





     Information on pilotages in the seaport of Naryan-Mar conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilots 


Number of operations

Total distance, sea miles

2007-2019 ⇲































     Information on pilotages in the seaport of Onega conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilots



Number of operations

Total distance, sea miles

2007-2019 ⇲



































     Information on pilotages in the seaport of Sabetta conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilots 


Number of operations

Total distance, sea miles

2014-2019 ⇲













     Information on pilotages in the water area of the Northern Sea Route conducted by the Arkhangelsk Branch pilots 

Year Number of operations Total distance, sea miles
2014-2019 ⇲
2015 3 3,360
2016 5 9,037

    Information on the number of vessels that received deviation compensations services

Year Number of vessels
2018 -

     7. Contacts 

     The additional information on the procedure of providing by the Arkhangelsk Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport" the pilot services in the Seaports of Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Onega, and Sabetta, as well as the services for ice pilotage of vessels in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, can be obtained at:

     The seaport of Arkhangelsk

    by phone: +7 (8182) 67-13-43 (round the clock),

    or by sending a request to the fax number: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or by e-mail:

     The seaport of Naryan-Mar

     by phone:

      +7 (911) 551-69-16 (round the clock);

      +7 (81853) 467-29 (from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:15 Moscow time, the lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00),

     or by sending a request to the fax number: +7 (81853) 467-29, or by e-mail:

     The seaport of Onega
     by phone:

     +7 (81839) 712-85 (round the clock);

     +7 (81839) 721-51 (from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:15 Moscow time, the lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00),

     or by sending a request to the fax number: +7 (81839) 721-51, or by e-mail:


    The seaport of Sabetta

    by phone (round the clock):

    +7 (931) 401-97-83;

    +7 (931) 401-97-95,

    or by sending a request to the fax number: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or by e-mail:


     The services for ice pilotage in the waters of the Northern Sea Route

     by phone:

     +7 (8182) 67-13-43 (round the clock),

     or by sending a request to the fax number: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or by e-mail: