Development of Port Infrastructure Facilities and Fleet

Port Infrastructure Development By Enterprise


Enterprise Fleet Development

     Implementation of federal marine transport development programs is one of the main types of activities conducted by FSUE “Rosmorport”, along with implementing capital investment programs aimed at providing steady development of the port infrastructure and fleet in the Russian seaports.

Рort Infrastructure Development By Enterprise

     The enterprise pays the utmost attention to development of port infrastructure facilities in the Russian seaports. FSUE “Rosmorport” as a client constructor implements federal target programs for development of Russian seaports, and also implements its own programs of capital investments into the construction of new and reconstruction of the existing port infrastructure facilities.

     Since 2004 FSUE “Rosmorport” has successfully completed dozens of investment projects in the form of capital investments aimed at improvement of port infrastructure and the quality of infrastructure services rendered to ship owners, consignors, and other consumers in Russian seaports. The most significant projects implemented by FSUE “Rosmorport” include the following:

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
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2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
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2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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     In January 2024, in accordance with the permission of the Administration of the closed administrative territorial unit Vidyaevo of 30.01.2024 No. 51-30-1-2024, the automated radar post “Ura-guba” was put into operation. The radar post is integrated into Kola Gulf VTS and intended for radar control of navigation in the section of the seaport of Murmansk water area in Ura Bay and on approaches to it, which increases the level of navigation safety in the Kola Gulf VTS coverage area.

     In February 2024, in accordance with the permission of the Architecture and Urban Planning Department of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Urban District Administration dated 28.02.2024 No. 41-01-5-2024, a new Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky VTS, consisting of the VTS center building and a radar post on Mount Mayachnaya, was put into operation. The implementation of this infrastructure project in the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky using modern domestic technologies is aimed at increasing the level of navigation safety, efficiency of navigation, protection of life at sea, protection of the marine environment and coast in Avachinskaya Bay and on the approaches to it in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky VTS coverage area where guaranteed detection and stable tracking of vessels is carried out, and reliable radiotelephone communication with vessels and radar control is provided.

     In the same month, in accordance with the received permission of Rosmorrechflot of 06.02.2024 No. 51-20-BT-39/3-2024-FAMRT, the reconstructed berth No. 2 in the seaport of Murmansk with a length of 284.4 m, a width of 40 m and bottom marks at the berth cordon -14.8 m, with a design capacity of almost 1.6 million tons of coal per year, intended to provide services to vessels with the following dimensions: length up to 235 m, width up to 38 m, loaded draft up to 14.5 m. The reconstruction of berth No. 2 was carried out in order to create additional capacities for receiving, storing and transshipping of coal, which will help to redistribute the volume of transshipped cargo at berth No. 4 in full to berth No. 2 and in the future to withdraw berth No. 4 for reconstruction.

Автоматизированный радиотехнический пост «Ура-губа» Автоматизированный радиотехнический пост «Ура-губа» Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky VTS center building Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky VTS control center
Radar post on Mount Mayachnaya Причал № 2 в морском порту Мурманск Причал № 2 в морском порту Мурманск

Information on the projects for construction and/or reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities completed, performed and planned by FSUE "Rosmorport" branches

     For additional information on all projects of capital investments into the construction of new port infrastructure facilities or reconstruction of the existing ones, which were completed or are being implemented by FSUE “Rosmorport” in Russian seaport, please turn to the branches’ sections of this website.

     Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch (seaports of Azov, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Eysk, Kavkaz, Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Taganrog, Taman, Temryuk and Tuapse);
     Arkhangelsk Branch (seaports of Arkhangelsk, Mezen, Naryan-Mar, Onega and Sabetta)
     Astrakhan Branch (seaports of Astrakhan and Olya);
     North-Eastern Basin Branch (seaports of Anadyr, Vanino, De-Kastri, Magadan, Nikolayevsk-on-Amur, Sovyetskaya Gavan);
     Far Eastern Basin Branch (seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny, Nakhodka, Olga, Pevek and Posyet);
     Makhachkala Branch (seaport of Makhachkala);
     Murmansk Branch (seaports of Murmansk and Kandalaksha);
     Petropavlovsk Branch (seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky);
     Sakhalin Branch (seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov and Shakhtersk);
     North-Western Basin Branch (seaports of Big Port of Saint-Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Passenger Port of Saint-Petersburg, Primorsk, Ust-Luga, Vyborg and Vysotsk).

     List of port infrastructure facilities being constructed/reconstructed by FSUE "Rosmorport" branches in Russian seaports

Enterprise Fleet Development


     From 2004 till present FSUE “Rosmorport” has implemented several projects in the field of fleet development, as a vessels construction manager in the framework of federal special-purpose programs. Besides, the enterprise bought several vessels designed for different special purposes. All newly constructed and acquired vessels were given to the enterprise for full economic management and were entered into the Federal Property Register.


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
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2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
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2019 2020 2021 2022




      In 2023, the enterprise acquired Petr Negodov tugboat and Magomed Gadzhiev tugboat, intended for use by the Astrakhan branch of the enterprise to carry out work on the delivery of working anchors for dredgers, on towing support for mooring operations of dredging fleet vessels in the waters of the seaports of Astrakhan, Olya and on the Volgo-Caspian sea shipping canal.

     In the same year, by order of Rosmorrechflot dated April 21, 2023 No. BT-122-r, Severo-Dvinsky-701 dredger, intended for use by the Astrakhan branch for the purpose of carrying out repair dredging work, was assigned to the enterprise with the right of economic management.

List of vessels under construction designed for the needs of the Azovo-Chernomorsky, Far Eastern, North-Eastern and North-Western Basin branches, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Petropavlovsk and Sakhalin branches

     - icebreaker of Icebreaker7 ice class with the power of 18 MV

     - shallow-draft icebreaker of 22740M project (vessel 1)

     - shallow-draft icebreaker of 22740M project (vessel 2)

     - harbour tug with ARC4 ice class (vessel 1)

     - harbour tug with ARC4 ice class (vessel 2)

     - harbour tug with ARC4 ice class (vessel 3)

     - oil garbage collector (1 vessel)

     - oil garbage collector (2 vessel)

     - non-self-propelled high-performance cutter-dredger (vessel 1)

     - non-self-propelled high-performance cutter-dredger (vessel 2)

     - non-self-propelled high-performance cutter-dredger (vessel 3)

     - bilge water removing ship (vessel 1)

     - bilge water removing ship (vessel 2)

     - bilge water removing ship (vessel 3)