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Enterprise Sailing Ships

Enterprise Sailing Ships

Mir Training Sailing Ship Nadezhda Training Sailing Ship

Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 Diary    

     Mir Training Sailing Ship
     Brief History of the Ship
     Mir Training Sailing Ship is a three-masted training vessel (in accordance with training vessels classification – “frigate” or “ship” in accordance with its rig). 
     The vessel was built in 1987 at Stocznia Gdanska shipyard (Republic of Poland) under the agreement on construction of five training sailing ships that will allow to provide internship for marine educational institutions cadets.
     On 1 December 1987 the flag of the USSR was hoisted at the ship’s ensign staff and it set off for the first trip to the home seaport of Leningrad.
     The first master of Mir sailing ship was Viktor Antonov. Other masters of the ship were (in chronological order): Valery Zorokhov, Sergey Timoshkov and Yuriy Galkin. Now Mir sailing ship is mastered by Andrey Orlov. 
     During 1989 – 1991 Mir was listed among assets of the Baltic Shipping Company.
     In 1991 the ship was assigned to the High Engineer Marine School of Leningrad, which was later renamed to Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.
     In May 2014 Mir sailing ship was assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” by order of Rosmorrechflot No. AD-207-r dated 26.05.2014.
     Main Technical Characteristics of the Ship

Class: KM AUT2 special purpose ship
Maximum length
(with the bowsprit):
108.6 m
Maximum width: 14 m
Mainmast height: 49.5 m
Draught: 6.6 m
Displacement: 2, 984 tons
Quantity of sails: 26 pieces
Total sails area: 2, 771 sq.m.
Engine capacity: 2, 419 kW
Velocity: 11.6 knots (registered maximum velocity
under sail is 21 knots, thus Mir sailing ship
is considered to be the fastest
sailing ship in the world.)
Personnel: 144 persons
Crew: 46 persons

     Virtual tour of the ship’s board
     Position Data of the ship by
     Cadets from high education marine institutions have their internship on the ship’s board. Relevant equipment of the vessel provides non-stop training: it is equipped with classrooms and teacher’s cabins, and the crew is always ready to help in finding information for any course works and thesises.

      International Regattas and Other Special Events
     Mir sailing ship participation in international regattas is an important page of its history.
     Every year Mir sailing ship took part in The Cutty Sark Tall Ships' Races international regatta (from 1988 to 1989, in 1991 and 1993, from 1996 to 1998, from 2000 to 2002), that in 2002 became The Tall Ships' Races (from 2003 to 2014). In these races, organized by STI, Mir sailing ship has won several awards both in separate races and overall standings. In 2003 and 2004 the ship won the first prize – the silver Cutty Sark Trophy. Mir sailing ship is the single A class vessel that won the first prize two years in succession since the first race of such type in 1956.
     In 1991 Mir took part in the 7th international regatta Hochsee Race Der Seestadt Bremerhafen and was the winner.
     In 1992 in Grand regatta Columbus-500 dedicated to the 500th anniversary of discovery of America Mir sailing ship came to the finish first. One of the first prizes was awarded to the crew by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I.
     In 1993 the sailing ship won the STA Netherlands Feeder Race.
     2005 is the victory in the Santander Tall Ships’ Regatta - 2005.
     In 2007 Mir sailing ship participated in the Welt Pokal regatta 2007, where it took the first prize in overall standing.
     In 2010 the ship participated in the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta 2010 that collected tall sailing ships with crews from different countries and for the first time in 50 years of its existence took place in the Aegean and Black Seas.
     In 2013 Mir participated in the Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta 2013.

     In 2014, during Winter Olympic Games 2014, the ship entered Sochi Sea Port. This event became of one the most memorable moments for guests and participants. In the same year the sailing ship went to seaports of Varna, Novorossiysk, Sochi and Constanța with the route of the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2014. In a rough fight the Mir sailing ship took an honorable second place by yielding the championship to another FSUE “Rosmorport” sailing ship – the Nadezhda.

     In 2015 the Murmansk – Arkhangelsk – Murmansk route became a special feat for the sailing ship. This voyage symbolized the route of Polar convoys during the Great Patriotic War and it was devoted to the memory of perished sailors involved in the Polar convoys. The Mir took part in Tall Ships Races 2015 and it also participated in the four major European maritime festivals: Hanse Sail 2015, Sail Bremerhaven 2015 (Germany), Sail Amsterdam 2015 (the Netherlands), Sail de Ruyter 2015 (the Netherlands).

     In 2016 the sailing ship took part in a maritime festival, Delfsail 2016 (the Netherlands, Belgium). The Mir confirmed its title of the fastest frigate in The Tall Ships Races 2016 and won all three stages of the race.

     In 2017 the Mir took part in many holidays and festivals, including Aalborg Regatta 2017, Hanse Sail 2017, Grandes Voiles du Havre, as well as in other events. The frigate did not stay away from the sportive events: the Mir fought for the victory in The Tall Ships Races 2017.

     In 2017 the solemn jubilee celebrations devoted to the 30th anniversary of the frigate were held in St. Petersburg. The sailing ship marked its jubilee at home – at the port of registry. Over the past years the legendary ship has passed hundreds of thousands of nautical miles. Thousands of cadets of the industry's educational institutions underwent navigational training aboard the ship.

     Regattas and training trips brought Mir sailing ship to such seaports of Europe and America, as Helsinki, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Rostock, Bremerhaven, Amsterdam, London, Liverpool, Lisbon, Barcelona, Naples, Malta, Istanbul, New-York, and other seaports.
     Mir sailing ship is a symbol of Saint-Petersburg, and it carries with honor its name through seas and oceans. When the ship enters foreign seaports, its crew takes part in various events dedicated to popularization of Russian language among foreign pupils; it brings to common people position of Russia on international issues the whole way of its navigation.

     Nadezhda Training Sailing Ship
     Brief History of the Ship
     Nadezhda Training Sailing Ship is a three-masted training vessel (in accordance with training vessels classification – “frigate” or “ship” in accordance with its rig).
     The vessel was built in 1991 at Stocznia Gdanska (Republic of Poland) and was the last vessel of such class constructed within the agreement that had been signed earlier on five training sailing ships construction meant to be used to provide internship for marine educational institutions cadets.
     The ship got its name after the famous frigate on the board of which 200 cadets under the command of Ivan Kruzenshtern first in the history of the native fleet circumnavigated the globe, brought first Russian embassy to Japan, researched Sakhalin and islands of the Kurile chain.
     On 5 June 1992 the ship, under the flag of the Russian Federation, hoisted at the ship’s ensign staff, set off for its first trip to the home seaport of Vladivostok. 
     The first master of the ship was Yuriy Neradko. Other masters of the ship were (in chronological order): Viktor Sereda, Vladimir Antonov, Andrey Kislov, Vladimir Vasilenko, Valeriy Nevolin, Igor Guscha, Konstantin Shkurin. From 2006 till present the master is Sergey Vorobyev.
     During 1991 – 2014 Nadezhda was listed among assets of the Far-Eastern State Marine Academy of G.I.Nevelskiy, renamed to Admiral G.I. Nevelsiy Maritime State University later.  
     In November 2014 Nadezhda sailing ship was assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” by order of Rosmorrechflot No. AD-213-r dated 30.05.2014.
     Main Technical Characteristics of the Ship

Class: KM [1] AUT2 special purpose ship
Maximum length
(with the bowsprit):
108.6 m
Maximum width: 14 m
Mainmast high: 49.5 m
Draught: 6.6 m
Displacement: 2, 768 tons
Quantity of sails: 26 pieces
Total sails area: 2, 768 sq.m.
Engine capacity: 2 x 468 kW
Velocity: 11.6 knots
Personnel: 144 persons
Crew:  46 persons

     Position Data of the ship by
     The sailing ship is equipped with remote sensing and up-to-date computer facilities and means of communication enabling transmit and receive data from the Internet and hold teleconferences.    
     Cadets from high education marine institutions have their internship on the ship’s board, more than 450 every year. Relevant equipment of the vessel provides non-stop training: classrooms and teacher’s cabins, and the crew are always ready to help in finding information for any course works and thesises.

     International Regattas and Other Special Events
     Nadezhda sailing ship is famous, because it is the site of Far-Eastern Floating University that aims at research of the principal climate forcing in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean and effect of climate change on maritime ecosystems of the Far-Eastern Seas, training of scientific personnel for work at the Far East in the sphere of environmental monitoring by the use of research performed by cadets and post-graduate students under the leadership of leading scientists of the Far East.
     Nadezhda has been to more than 20 large-scale research expeditions in the sea from 1997 to 2012 under the Far-Eastern Floating University project that involves leading national and foreign scientific organizations. The history of expeditions of the sailing ship is as follows:
     In 1997 – 1998, in the first expedition of Nadezhda sailing ship in the sea, measurements of chlorophyll A concentration in the upper layer of the ocean were taken and first models of flow laser on-board fluorimeters were tested.
     In 2000 the sailing ship participated in expedition on biooptic and hydrochemical characteristics research of the Sea of Japan shelf waters and water near Sakhalin Island, as well as in tests of on-board laser spectrometers biooptic characteristics of the sea-water.
     In 2001 during expedition of  Nadezhda sailing ship to basins of Okhotsk Sea and the Sea of Japan, where comprehensive research of Far-Eastern Seas marine ecosystems were carried out, sea truth measurements of biooptic characteristics of the sea-water were taken to work out local procedures of chlorophyll A concentration renewal and ecological monitoring of sea-water in Piltun Bay, Sakhalin Island. On-board laser spectrometers were tested for determining sea-water composition and also cells of phytoplankton, and on-board lidar unit for sounding of upper atmosphere layers.
     In 2002 within the expedition to Okhotsk Sea basin comprehensive research of characteristics that determine phytoplankton society development was performed, together with tests of new on-board laser spectrometers and sea truth measurements of chlorophyll A concentration. A wide range of acoustic tests, especially in the area of methane release (in the form of “gas flares”) form the Okhotskoe Sea floor.
     In 2003 – 2004, during circumnavigation, comprehensive analyses of atmospheric aerosol, biooptic characteristics of the upper layers of the sea that show condition of phytoplankton society, meteorological characteristics, and sounding of the ocean upper-layer were carried out on board of the frigate. Unique research of atmospheric aerosol transfer above the Red Sea in the period of sand-storms in the Sahara and Arabian Peninsula was performed. Biooptic characteristics of the upper layers of the sea were measured and sounding of Amper in the Atlantic Ocean. Data on organic matter renewal by phytoplankton society in different areas of the global sea were received and procedures of classification of phytoplankton society types by the rate of organic matter renewal were worked out. Upper layer of the ocean was sounded.
     In 2006 Nadezhda sailing ship crossed the Amur mouth and went to Piltun Bay on the Sakhalin island where within the collaborative project with IFAW fund industrial acoustic impact on behavior of grey whales inhabiting the Okhotsk Sea was studied.
     In 2008 the ship went to the basin of Peter the Great Gulf, where measurements of biooptic characteristics of the sea-water were done to work out regional procedures for chlorophyll A concentration renewal.
     In 2009 Nadezhda sailing ship took part in expedition to Sarychev Peak volcano on Matua island, organized by Far-Eastern and Siberian Departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There laser sounding was used to perform research of lava ash microphysical characteristics, atmospheric aerosol, dynamics and vertical distribution of aerosol layers while the volcano eruption – the biggest eruption on the the Kuril(e)s for the recent 300 years.
     In 2010, within international expedition to the Kuril(e)s and northen part of the Okhotsk Sea, on Nadezhda board research on phytoplankton society reaction to volcanoes eruptions and also influence of phytoplankton society on atmospheric aerosol. Effect of Sarychev Peak eruption on Matua ecosystem was studied as well.
     In 2011 frigate set off for the Sea of Japan to perform research on effect produced at the environment after the Fucusima Nuclear Power Plant disaster. The expedition was organized by Russian Geographical society with participation of scientists and cadets of the State Marine Academy of G.I.Nevelskiy, fellows from the Far-Eastern and Siberian Departments of Russian Academy of Sciences, and experts from EMERCOM.
     In 2012 Nadezhda sailing ship participated in expedition on atmosphere and ocean monitoring and tests of MAKS-300 remote controlled underwater vehicle.

     Nadezhda sailing ship constantly takes part in international regattas and festivals of sailing ships held in the Pacific.
     By visiting Russian and foreign seaports on regular basis and promoting history of the Russian navigation and navigational education in Russia, Nadezhda represents interests of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region.
     In particular, in 2003 the ship became famous world-widely after its circumnavigation dedicated to the the first circumnavigation Russian sailors went for under the command of Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuriy Lisyansky 200 years ago. For 14 months and 3 days the sailing ship overcome about 45, 000 nautical miles, entered 30 seaports in 20 states. During the navigation the frigate has crossed the equator three times. That was the first circumnavigation of the beginning of the 21st century. The Russian Government and President Vladimir Putin, who have been on-board of the ship, appreciated greatly Nadezhda’s contribution into the history of the national navigation.
     In 2007 and 2009 Nadezhda sailing ship participated in 200-miles races following from Nagasaki (Japan) to Yeosu (the Republic of Korea) and won the first prize both times.
     In 2009 Nadezhda sailing ship participated in festive events dedicated to 600th anniversary of Shendgamen seaport (Chinese People's Republic) – one of the world’s oldest seaports.
     In 2010 the ship was used as a floating pavilion of the Russian exposition at EXPO-2010 international exhibition in Shanghai (Chinese People's Republic). In the same year the ship went to Manila tour and entered Port of Manila (Philippines). Negotiating conference on adoption of revised International Convention on training and certification of sailors and watchkeeping was held on-board of the ship. Foundational agreement on “Global On-Board-Training Centre — GOBTC” was signed. During visit to Philippines joint navigational training with cadets of the Republic of Korea, Chinese People's Republic and Philippines was held on the ship’s board.
     In 2011 – 2012 Nadezhda sailing ship, acting as a business card of Vladivostok, made a trip around the Pacific dedicated to 150th anniversary of Vladivostok city and 120th anniversary of navigational education in Prymorye. During this trip Nadezhda sailing ship took part in EXPO – 2012 in Yeosu (Republic of Korea) as an official floating Russian exposition, and in the Universal Ship Building Exposition in Geoje (Republic of Korea).
     In 2014 the sailing ship won regatta “SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2014” that gathered 22 training vessels form 9 states, including Mir sailing ship and Kruzenshtern and Sedov ships. Apart from the first prize, the ship won special awards from the organizers: for the most significant contribution into sport activities and the longest trip navigated.

     In 2015 the Nadezhda took part in major international festivals in Nagasaki (Japan) and Yeosu (South Korea). The sailing ship became an international platform for giving master classes and holding business meetings.

     In 2016 the frigate left for Constanța (Romania) to take part in the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Races prestigious regatta. The Nadezhda made semi-circumnavigation by leaving the home port and going through the Indian Ocean.

     In 2017 the Nadezhda marked the 25th anniversary. The frigate celebrated the jubilee during the transoceanic run. It is remarkable that 25 years after the trusty service the frigate followed the same route as its first crew during its first run from Europe to the home port of Vladivostok.


     Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 Diary


     Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 Diary