

FSUE “Rosmorport” partnership shift comes to a close in Artek children’s center

A FSUE “Rosmorport” thematic shift “The Sea – Romanticism – Profession” held under the auspices of the Artek Robinsonade closed at the Artek International Children’s Center August 26, 2019. Fifty winners of the Russian national contest “My Port” studied Russia’s maritime history, underwent training aboard vessels and got to know the specifics of different maritime professions and traditions.

A solemn parade has been held. By tradition, the National Flag of the Russian Federation, the Artek flag and the flag of the Ozerny children’s center have been hauled down to the sounds of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation.

During the festive event, memorial speeches have been given by officials. On behalf of FSUE “Rosmorport” director of the Crimean Branch Andrei Filchakov gave a special gift to the Artek center – two meteorological stations. “I’m sure that over three weeks in the center each of you has taken one more step closer to the sea. I hope that your skills and knowledge gotten during the course will a startup to a future profession and fascinating experience,” he said. The enterprise has also gifted life jackets, a web fall and equipment for repairing sails to the children’s center as token. These things will be useful for the next generations of the children’s center.

A festive program has been organized for honorable guests: children played musical instruments and sang maritime songs. Upon completion of the solemn ceremony chief of the Ozerny center Yulia Mukha expressed gratitude to FSUE “Rosmorport” for organizing intellectual and creative events for children and giving an opportunity for all participants to stand abaft the wheel and visit the command bridge aboard the Khersones three-mast frigate, which had called at the bay of the center several times and helped children inspire new victories and achievements.

A day before the FSUE “Rosmorport” Cup sailing regatta was held and it became the key event of the shift. The competitions included several stages: pulling races, flag wagging, rigging, tugging war, swimming in emergency equipment, maritime song contest and the sailing regatta itself. During the regatta, the participants in the Artek shift were able to show all their skills acquired during the educational program.

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