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The Mir sailboat takes on board the first shift of cadets in 2024

The Mir sailboat takes on board the first shift of cadets in 2024

The navigation practice on the Mir sailing training vessel of FSUE “Rosmorport” has started. Among the trainees of the first shift, which began on May 7 and will last until July 10, 2024, there are 119 cadets of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping (SUMIS), the College of SUMIS and the Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute. Students are supervised by 3 practice tutors.

A solemn ceremony was held at the start of the navigation of the Mir sailboat. The event was opened by Roman Kuznetsov, Vice-rector for Youth Policy of SUMIS. At the beginning of the ceremony, the banner group introduced the National Flag of the Russian Federation, the flag of the city of St. Petersburg and the flag of the university, and the National Anthem of the Russian Federation was performed.

Sergey Baryshnikov, Rector of SUMIS, addressed the cadets with a parting word. He congratulated the students on the beginning of their first navigation practice.

The FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was represented at the ceremony by Director Alexander Strelnikov and Deputy Director for Economics and Finances Nadezhda Kalashnik. Alexander Strelnikov wished the cadets a successful navigation training, during which students will have to practice the theoretical knowledge they have acquired: learn how to locate a vessel by navigational landmarks, study vessel mechanisms and devices, keep watch, test their endurance, master the art of sail control and gain invaluable maritime experience.

At the end of the solemn ceremony, the cadets were traditionally given the flag of the university, which will accompany the trainees on their voyage onboard the Mir sailing training vessel. The clergy of the Smolny Cathedral handed over the icon of the Holy Prince Vladimir for the vessel.