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Event dedicated to Victory Day was held at Moryak recreation center of FSUE “Rosmorport”

Event dedicated to Victory Day was held at Moryak recreation center of FSUE “Rosmorport”

On May 14, the traditional annual solemn event in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was held in the Moryak recreation center of FSUE "Rosmorport" in Moscow region.

The patriotic event was attended by Deputy Head of Rosmorrechflot Konstantin Anisimov, Deputy General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport” Sergey Simonov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Marine and River Fleet Yuri Mikhailov, Head of the Department for Patriotic Education and Youth Work of the All-Russian Veterans Organization Galina Volkova, Head of the Department for Organisational and Regional Work of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement Gennady Toluzakov, as well as veterans and cadets.

The participants laid flowers to the memorial “In Memory of Fallen Sailors and Ships Lost During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945” and honored the fallen with a minute of silence. Cadets of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping stood guard of honor at the monument. Father Oleg, the rector of the temple of sailors and rivermen, held a prayer service in memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland.

Opening the event, Yuri Mikhailov noted that sailors and rivermen forged victory in the war on all fronts: they created a Road of Life in Leningrad, built crossings during the Battle of Stalingrad, fought with fascists on the sea, on rivers and shores, liberating the country from the enemy.

Sergey Simonov noted the invaluable contribution made by the veteran organization of the marine and river fleet to the preservation of the continuity of generations and the memory of the feats of fathers and grandfathers, and on the eve of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, he stressed the necessity of mass patriotic events with the participation of the younger generation.

Gennady Toluzakov read his poems about the war to the audience. At the end of the solemn part of the event, Galina Volkova presented Yuri Mikhailov with a certificate of honor from the All-Russian Veterans Organization “For work on preserving the memory”.

At the end of the meeting, a festive concert was held and songs and poems of the war years were performed. At the field kitchen the attendees were treated to a “soldier's” lunch.

The solemn event dedicated to the Great Victory has been held at the Moryak recreation center for many years. Moryak is a symbolic place in the history of water transport in our state. In the USSR, a pioneer flotilla was located at this territory. The flotilla was created with the direct involvment of the Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Papanin, who made an invaluable contribution to the organization of uninterrupted vessel traffic on the Northern Sea Route, to the construction of port shipyards in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and on the Far Eastern coast during the war.