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FSUE “Rosmorport” honors memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

FSUE “Rosmorport” honors memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

FSUE “Rosmorport” took part in patriotic events and actions dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The enterprise's employees laid flowers and wreaths at the memorials, met with veterans, held sports competitions and creativity contests to commemorate the events of 1941–1945.

On the eve of Victory Day, FSUE “Rosmorport” announced a marathon of children's drawings “The Story of the Great Victory”, during which 40 paintings made by children and grandchildren of representatives of the central office and branches of the enterprise were received. Most of the works came from the Makhachkala Branch, where, in parallel, on the eve of the holiday, a children's drawing contest was held. On May 9, the management and employees of the branch solemnly laid flowers at the Eternal Flame and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Makhachkala.

On May 8, the management of the Astrakhan Branch laid wreaths at the memorial complexes “Monument to the Lost Ships” and “Monument to the Fallen Sailors of the Red Army” in Astrakhan, and also floated a symbolic wreath out into the Volga River in memory of the heroes-defenders of the Fatherland. On Victory Day, employees of the branch also laid a wreath in the village of Olya at the monument to the participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Patriotic banners were placed on the administrative building of the FSUE “Rosmorport” branch, and signal flags were installed on the vessels of the branch.

On May 8, employees of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch honored the memory of fallen soldiers by taking part in the concert “Requiem”. The management and staff, together with well-known cultural and sports figures, notables of the city of Novorossiysk, laid flowers at the Eternal Flame at the site sacred to Novorossiysk – on Gheroyev Square, as well as at the Monument to the Liberators of the City on Svobody Square. Workers with portraits of their heroes, veterans and home front workers, participated in the Immortal Regiment March. A patriotic banner with portraits of veterans was installed on the facade of the building of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch in Novorossiysk. On the eve of Victory Day, the staff of the branch also took part in a sailing regatta organized by the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

Dressing flags and Victory Banners were raised on the vessels of the Taman Department of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. On May 9, the staff of the Sochi Department of the branch participated in solemn events dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the special military operation. The Azov Department of the branch joined the festive run of retro cars. Near the administrative building in the city of Yeysk, employees made the composition “Immortal Regiment” with portraits of relatives of the department – participants in the war.

The Far Eastern Basin Branch participated in commemorative events starting from May 6 – a concert of the pop orchestra of the Far Eastern Basin Branch and the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy took place in Vladivostok. The program included famous front-line songs: “Dark Night”, “Oh, roads …”, “Blue Scarf” and others.

On May 8, the team of the Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch competed in the city athletics relay, covering a distance of 1,550 m. Teams of schoolchildren and students, enterprises and public organizations of the city of Nakhodka took part in the competition on the embankment of the Solyonoye Lake.

The pop orchestra was engaged in many events of the festive program on May 9. Thus, the management and staff of the Far Eastern Basin Branch, with the musical accompaniment of the orchestra, laid flowers at the monument to the Sailors of Merchant Fleet who died during the Great Patriotic War. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the city administration, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Administration of Maritime Ports of Primorsky region and Eastern Arctic”, Far-Eastern Shipping Company PJSC, veterans of the merchant fleet, members of public and patriotic organizations, the rector's office and cadets of the Maritime University, cabin boys of the naval flotillas.

On May 7, employees of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch held a clean-up day at the obelisk on the square near the sea terminal. On the eve of Victory Day, a solemn laying of flowers and wreaths at the obelisk took place with the participation of the staff of the branch in memory of the port workers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

On May 9, the staff of the North-Eastern Basin Branch traditionally laid flowers at the Victory Obelisk in the village of Vanino, honoring the memory of the fallen heroes with a minute of silence. Employees of the Anadyr Department of the branch laid flowers at the memorial of the Great Patriotic War on Lenin Square in the city of Anadyr, and the Magadan Department became a participant in the patriotic ceremony “We remember! We honor!” in the Victory Garden Square of the city of Magadan. As part of the family marathon organized by the branch, the children of employees of the North-Eastern Basin Branch prepared videos on which they read poems dedicated to May 9.

On the eve of the Victory Day celebration, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch hosted a meeting of the branch's management with veterans – residents of besieged Leningrad, honored workers of maritime transport. On May 7, employees of the Ust-Luga Department of the branch laid wreaths and flowers at the long-term firing point No. 8 of the Koshkinsky center of resistance of the 21st Kingisepp fortified district, honoring the memory of the heroes who died in the battle with a minute of silence. On May 8, the staff of the Vyborg-Vysotsk Department of the branch laid wreaths and flowers at the memorial “Mass Grave No. 54” in the city of Vyborg.

Back on April 19, the staff of the Kaliningrad Department of the North-Western Basin Branch traditionally carried out work on the improvement of the memorial dedicated to the memory of the fallen soldiers of the Red Army during the battles for Pillau (now Baltiysk), and on the mass grave of Soviet soldiers, in which about 700 heroes of the Great Patriotic War are buried. As part of the campaign “Along the Victory Sea Roads” organized in Kaliningrad, on May 8, department’s employees sailed in the YAL-6 sea sailing and rowing boat under the Banner of Victory along the landing route on Frische Nehrung (now the Baltic Spit). On May 9, together with the local residents of the spit, the department’s team took part in laying wreaths at the memorial, as well as at the mass grave.

Employees of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch took part in festive events in the city of Korsakov. On Victory Day, they laid flowers at the monument to those who fell in 1945 during the liberation of Korsakov from Japanese militarists, and also congratulated veterans: Praskovya Ignatenko, a prisoner of the Fascist concentration camp, and Tatyana Stepanova, a resident of besieged Leningrad.

On May 10, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Petropavlovsk Branch organized a collective rafting trip with of 18 km on rafts and packrafts along the Avacha River in the Kamchatka Region. Employees of the branch and their families took part in the tourist event dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Fatherland.

By May 9, the open archive “In Memory of Heroes” was updated by the staff of FSUE “Rosmorport” on the official website of the enterprise. The project has been complemented by stories about veterans and their pictures, carefully collected by relatives – employees of the central office and branches. These are stories of feats, mutual assistance, overcoming oneself, self-sacrifice for the sake of a great goal - victory over fascism.