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FSUE “Rosmorport” takes part in the Victory Day actions

FSUE “Rosmorport” takes part in the Victory Day actions

Nine thousand employees of FSUE “Rosmorport” from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky took part in patriotic actions and events dedicated to the 78th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Employees decorated the official website, buildings and cars with special design containing the symbols of Victory Day, distributed the Georgian ribbons in the administrative buildings of the enterprise, conducted Lessons of Courage in schools and laid flowers and wreaths at memorials.

Bit by bit for several years, specialists of the central office and branches have been collecting information about their ancestors – participants of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers and children of war. Information about the heroes and unique photographs of the wartime have been combined into the open archive “Remember the Names of Heroes”, which continues to be updated and supplemented with new data. By May 9, a presentation of the project was organized in the central office building in Moscow. Information on where the relatives of those who work for the benefit of the country's maritime industry served and worked for the needs of the front can be found on the project webpage.

In 2023, the Immortal Regiment federal campaign found various ways of implementation, for example, as The Wall of Heroes – photos of those who fought fascism during World War II. Such wall was decorated at the Azov Basin Branch, with photographs of front-line soldiers - relatives of the branch employees – being posted there. The initiative was also supported on Sakhalin, where workers made a wall with photos of fighters. Also, employees of the Sakhalin Branch solemnly laid flowers at the Obelisk of the Hero.

The North-Eastern Basin Branch printed leaflets with words of gratitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants of a special military operation. The workers also took part in The Victory Window campaign, which consisted of decorating windows of buildings with drawings, photographs and inscriptions dedicated to the feat of the Soviet people.

On the eve of the Victory Day celebration, a traditional meeting with veterans – residents of besieged Leningrad, honored workers of maritime transport – was held in the North-Western Basin Branch. Director of the North-Western Basin Branch Alexander Strelnikov and the branch’s senior management congratulated the guests of honor on the upcoming holiday. After the meeting, employees of the branch together with veterans took part in a solemn rally dedicated to the 78th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Then a wreath and flowers were laid at the Monument to the Heroes of the Navy of the Baltic Shipping Company and the Leningrad Port. The participants honored the memory of all the heroes who died in the battles with a minute's silence.

The Ust-Luga Department of the North-Western Basin Branch organized a ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the pillbox of the Great Patriotic War – the Luga defensive line (a system of Soviet fortifications with a length of about 300 km, built in June-August 1941 on the territory of the Leningrad Region in order to stop the enemy). Employees of the Kaliningrad Department of the branch laid wreaths at the memorial dedicated to the memory of the Red Army soldiers who died in the battles for Pillau (now Baltiysk), and at the mass grave of Soviet soldiers. On the eve of May 9, the Victory Banner was raised at the enterprise's facilities in the seaport of Kaliningrad and on the Mir sailing training vessel.

In addition to participating in The Wall of Memory, The Flags of Victory, The Immortal Motor Regiment patriotic actions, specialists of the Arkhangelsk Branch joined The Memorial Garden national environmental campaign, planning to plant trees in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Traditionally, every year on May 9, the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch organizes a boat trip for veterans on the Dagomys catamaran with lowing a wreath into the water in memory of the dead sailors; 2023 was no exception. The management of the Sochi Department of the branch together with the cadets of the Khersones sailing training vessel of the Crimean Branch laid wreaths at the monument to the Sochi fighters who died in battles during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, at the memorial complex in the central district of Sochi, and also lowed wreaths into the water. In Tuapse, from May 5 to May 9, the text of congratulations on Victory Day and words of gratitude to the participants of a special military operation was posted on the information board at the famous VTS, which resembles a chupa-chups candy in shape.

Employees of the Far Eastern Basin Branch attended a military equipment parade, and the orchestra of the branch gave a festive concert. Their colleagues from the Murmansk Branch participated in a procession through the main streets of Murmansk and laying wreaths at the monument to the port workers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The employees of the Petropavlovsk Branch also made their contribution to the Victory celebration. Congratulations on Victory Day was broadcasted for passengers and visitors in the waiting room of the ship terminal in the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Employees of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch participated in the festive events with their families. At patriotic lessons in schools, children of the enterprise's employees spoke about their great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers – participants of the Great Patriotic War - and their heroic deeds. Representatives of the branch placed portraits of their hero relatives on family cars, as well as symbols of May 9th, such as the Georgian ribbons, Victory and Russian flags.