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FSUE “Rosmorport” sums up the results of its activities for 2022

FSUE “Rosmorport” sums up the results of its activities for 2022

On April 5, FSUE “Rosmorport” summed up the results of its activities in 2022 and identified key tasks and activities for the current year and the medium term until 2025. The meeting of the management of the enterprise and its branches was held in the format of an informational session in Moscow. The event was attended by Boris Tashimov, Deputy Head of Rosmorrechflot, Sergey Pylin, General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport”, and his deputies, as well as representatives of the branches.

Opening the meeting, Boris Tashimov stressed that the past year was a year to test one’s strength in all areas:

“We have witnessed a significant change in the geopolitical situation. The maritime industry as a whole and FSUE “Rosmorport” in particular have felt these changes. Despite significant changes in logistics routes, as well as the structure and geography of cargo turnover, we ensured the fulfillment of the main indicator, cargo turnover kept and even exceeded the level of 2021.”

According to Boris Tashimov, the maritime industry continues to actively participate in the strategic development of the state; this includes the implementation of federal projects of the Comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure, and the implementation of new road maps for the development of certain areas.

Deputy Head of Rosmorrechflot paid special attention to the need for the enterprise to constantly monitor key indicators of the implementation of federal projects in 2023, to be active in achieving the results of investment projects, and also set tasks for the participation of the enterprise in the digitalization of the industry and especially the organization of cargo traffic management in seaports.

Sergey Pylin began his speech with words of gratitude to the staff of the enterprise.

“We passed the year 2022, which was very difficult due to certain circumstances, with dignity, ensuring the smooth operation of the enterprise and the fulfillment of the main tasks assigned to us. FSUE “Rosmorport” coped with the difficulties associated with the start of a special military operation and the introduction of a significant number of sanctions, and managed to fulfill our main mission – ensuring the full operation of the seaports of the Russian Federation,” Sergey Pylin stressed.

Thus, by the end of 2022, the volume of cargo transshipment in seaports reached the pre-pandemic level of 2019 and amounted to 841.8 million tons. The increase in the production capacity of seaports in the past year amounted to 36.6 million tons. The enterprise's revenue, including the investment port fee (IPF), amounted to 36.6 billion rubles for the year, which is 4.5 % more than the target revenue. The IPF for the past year was recorded at the level of 5.2 billion rubles (+5.7 %, or 277 million rubles to the target IPF).

In 2022, pursuant to the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, FSUE “Rosmorport” successfully organized dredging works on the Volga-Caspian Seaway Canal on an increased scale of dredging (more than 5 million cubic meters) – the first stage of the action plan was completed to ensure the ship journeys of vessels with a draught of 4.2 m. The enterprise has provided ferry service to the Kaliningrad Region in conditions of transport restrictions imposed by unfriendly countries; two innovative dual-fuel ferries, Marshal Rokossovsky and General Chernyakhovsky, have been commissioned and put on line, and universal ro-ro vessels URSA MAJOR, Sparta and Sparta II have been involved.

“The construction of a ferry and passenger berth in the village of Ugolnye Kopi as part of the implementation of a Comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the trunk infrastructure for the period up to 2024 has been completed, as well as the designing for the construction of the Pevek NAVTEX coast station,” Sergey Pylin said. “Our enterprise has provided navigation parameters of water areas and approach canals at 28 sites in 16 seaports of Russia, having conducted repair dredging in the amount of 9 million cubic meters. The share of work performed by dredging equipment of FSUE “Rosmorport” amounted to 79 % and remains at a high level.”

Among the achievements of the enterprise by the end of 2022, Sergey Pylin mentioned the implemented measures for the development of navigation safety systems: FSUE “Rosmorport” commissioned equipment systems of control and correction stations in the seaports of Astrakhan, Nakhodka and Vostochny; completed design work on the technical re-equipment of sea areas A1, A2 GMDSS facilities in the sea of Azov. The enterprise has implemented measures to ensure transport security for 185 vehicles and 32 transport infrastructure facilities.

After the resumption of the ferry line across the Kerch Strait, suspended due to the incident on October 8, 2022 on the Crimean Bridge, FSUE “Rosmorport” ensured compliance with transport security requirements at the cargo terminal and berth No. 7 in the seaport of Kavkaz.

“The enterprise is successfully completing the ice navigation period of 2022-2023, providing icebreaker assistance for more than 7 thousand vessels,” General Director informed. “In addition, it should be noted that this year the revenue from commercial activity of icebreakers amounted to about 2.5 billion rubles, and the total revenue from commercial activities was about 7 billion rubles. This is a record of 22 % in the enterprise's revenue structure.”

Speaking about the key points of FSUE “Rosmorport” for 2023, Sergey Pylin stressed that in the conditions of continuing geopolitical tensions, isolation of Russia and exclusion from established transport and logistics chains, the current year remains difficult for the enterprise and the entire transport industry. The most important task for 2023 facing FSUE “Rosmorport” and the industry as a whole concerns participation in the development of the North–South international transport corridor. For this, it is necessary to ensure the canal draught of vessels at the dredging sites on the Volga-Caspian Seaway Canal at the level of 4.5 m by the end of this year, having completed dredging in the amount of about 12 million cubic meters.

An equally important task for the current year is to continue activities to ensure sea communication with the Kaliningrad Region, including the successful operation of the ferry line and the organization of smooth maritime traffic of vessels operated by the enterprise. The activities aimed at increasing the rates of harbour dues in terms of regulated services remains the priority for FSUE “Rosmorport”, which is necessary for the successful functioning of the enterprise. At the same time, the enterprise aims to continue optimizing expenses and increasing revenue in order to bring the financial result to a break-even level.

Sergey Pylin recalled that promoting the development and increasing the competitiveness of Russian seaports remains the main goal of the enterprise's operation, regardless the current economic and geopolitical situation. This goal is planned to be achieved, among other things, by updating the enterprise's own fleet: the program of activity of FSUE “Rosmorport” provides for the construction and purchase of 22 vessels for various purposes, including 6 icebreakers, in the near future 2023-2025. The work on construction of the facilities, included in The Development of Seaports federal project of the Comprehensive plan for modernization and expansion of the main Infrastructure, in under way.

At the end of the report, Sergey Pylin stressed that he was confident in the sustainable development of the enterprise, even in such an unstable period.

“I am convinced that we will pass this year with no less dignity, preserving the enterprise's leadership positions in the industry, its high economic potential and, most importantly, a professional and reliable team,” General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport” said.