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The second crab-fishing boat was launched at the JSC “Onego Shipyard”

On December 9, 2022, the Captain Egorov crab-fishing boat was launched by the Joint Stock Company “Onego Shipyard” in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia). This is the second vessel of the 5712LS project series, made by order of the largest Far Eastern Crab Fishing Company “Russian Crab”. The construction is conducted as a part of the state program of investment quotas aimed at updating the domestic fishing fleet and improving the efficiency of the development of valuable national biological resources.

The event was attended by the Head of the Republic of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov, representatives of sublect ministries and departments of the region, Heads of JSC “Onego Shipyard” and GC “Russian Crab”, representatives of the FSUE “Rosmorport” and Federal Autonomous Institution “Russian Maritime Register of Shipping”.

Contracts for the construction of 7 vessels intended for the fishing and transportation of live crab were signed by JSC “Onego Shipyard” and GC “Russian Crab” on January 31, 2020. Currently, all 7 vessels are at different stages of construction. The lead vessel of the series, Captain Alexandrov, was launched on January 27, 2022. The keel-laying of the Captain Egorov crab-fishing boat took place on December 1, 2020.

Crab fishing boats, built by order of the GC “Russian Crab”, are designed for catching and transporting live crab. The technical equipment of the vessels will increase the volume of live products transported and increase its safety indicators, improve the seaworthiness necessary to work in difficult weather conditions of the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese Seas.

The ideas behind the vessels of the series are innovative for the Russian crab industry. For example, the RSW system for monitoring and maintaining the temperature of water and air in tanks and holds, oxygen content in water and ammonia detection, as well as a telemetry system that allows to transmit RSW system data both to the command bridge and to the shore.

The new сrab fishing boats are distinguished from the vessels of the current fleet by the ice class of the hull and mechanisms Ice2, the presence of a two-level hold for transporting live crab in stainless steel tanks, double area of the fishing deck and the amount of fishing equipment, modern engines with low fuel consumption and low toxicity of exhaust gases.

The basic dimensions of the vessel:

57.70 m
12.60 m
40 days
Full speed:
12.6 knots
Power of main engine:
1,620 kW
Bow thruster power:
400 kW
Crew capacity:
24 people
Volume of tanks for the transport of live crab:
440 m3
Capacity for live crab:
110 tons