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Marshal Rokossovsky delivers the first batch of goods under transit ban of Lithuania to Kaliningrad

Marshal Rokossovsky delivers the first batch of goods under transit ban of Lithuania to Kaliningrad

The new ferry Marshal Rokossovsky has delivered the first batch of goods restricted to be transferred through Lithuania to the Kaliningrad Region.

73 railway cars with construction materials and diesel fuel, as well as 23 trucks with medicines, food and other consumer goods arrived on the vessel from Ust-Luga. In total, more than 8 thousand tons of cargo were delivered by ferry during the first trip.

Marshal Rokossovsky has been operating at the Ust-Luga – Baltiysk ferry line since March 2022. The enormous ro-ro ferry with a length of 200 m can accommodate up to 80 railway cars or almost 80 trucks. Thanks to the increased loading speed of the vessel by at least 3 times, compared to other ferries operating on the line, the travel time on the line takes only 36 hours. The vessel makes one round trip in 5 days.

In addition to the Marshal Rokossovsky ferry, the services of the Ust-Luga – Baltiysk line, which is strategically important for the country, is currently provided by the URSA MAJOR multifunctional vessel operated by the FSUE "Rosmorport", as well as the ferries Ambal and Baltiysk operated by the "Oboronlogistics" LLC.

An increase in the number of trips on the line is expected with the introduction of General Chernyakhovsky, a ferry similar to the Marshal Rokossovsky in technical characteristics. The ro-ro ferry will be put on the line in September 2022. The technical readiness of the ferry is 98.15%. In June 2022, the vessel's sea trials were successfully completed.