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General news

Congratulations of the General Director of FSUE "Rosmorport" on the Shipbuilder Day

Dear colleagues and friends!

On behalf of the staff of the FSUE "Rosmorport" and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Shipbuilder Day!

The creation of a strong, competitive and powerful fleet is a priority task of the Russian transport industry today. The labor of every professional in their field, whether they are builders, engineers, or project designers – everyone who works for the benefit of domestic shipbuilding, is important for the future of our country. It is important for ensuring safe and continuous navigation, timely delivery of socially significant goods, environmental friendliness.

I am sure that a high level of qualification, knowledge of the specifics of the marine industry, the ability to think big and rationally approach the goals will allow shipbuilders to successfully implement promising projects and reach new heights.

I wish you good health, harmony and prosperity. And may good luck accompany you in all initiatives for the benefit of the development of the marine industry!

General Director              S.V. Pylin