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Orlyonok opens its doors to the participants of the My Port project

Orlyonok opens its doors to the participants of the My Port project

The seventh thematic shift started at the Orlyonok Russian Child Center (June 23 - July 13). Its participants are the winners of the FSUE "Rosmorport" competition that was held within the My Port career-oriented project.

75 young seafarers will undergo training according to the original program of the Shtormovoy children's camp called “Towards new horizons”, aimed at patriotic education of teenagers, as well as learning the history of Russia and the navy of the country.

The educational component of the program will be implemented through specialized courses “Academy of Maritime Professions”, where teenagers will be able to immerse themselves in the study of disciplines and professions of maritime business under the experienced guidance of teachers of the Shtormovoy camp. The main courses include: “Work on Guard for the Ecology of the Black Sea”, “Physical Training of a Sailor”, “Sea Ecologist”, “Young Skipper”, “Sea Soldier” and others.

During the three weeks of training at the Stormovoy camp, students will also master rigging, flag semaphore, drumming, ship architecture, and learn how to work in team. As usually, the teenagers will show the results of their successful studying at the sea festival and the solar regatta “Sails are Hoisted!”.

At the end of the shift, the best students will receive a sailor's certificate of the Shtormovoy children's camp, which will allow young seafarers to teach maritime disciplines along with camp counselors next year.

On the eve of the 62nd anniversary of the Orlyonok Russian Child Center, the Khersones sailing training vessel is scheduled to enter and get anchored in the waters of the child center. The legendary three-mast sailboat with scarlet sails will be a real gift from the FSUE “Rosmorport” for 3,000 Russian “eaglets” (the Orlyonok in Russian means “eagle chick”) from different regions of the country, vacationing and studying in ten camps of the center.

For reference:

The My Port educational project has been successfully implemented by the enterprise for the purpose of early professional guidance since 2016. The project is aimed at popularizing professions of port business, supporting maritime traditions and creating a friendly environment for the formation of children’s personality.

Thanks to this initiative, every student aged from 11 to 16, who is keen on marine topics, has a unique opportunity to become the owner of a ticket to one of the best children's centers in the country – the Orlyonok Russian Child Center, the Artek International Child Center, or the Okean Russian Child Center.