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Exhibition dedicated to sailing practice opens in the FSUE “Rosmorport” main building

The Central Office of FSUE “Rosmorport” hosts an exhibition timed to the beginning of sailing practice - 2022 on the Khersones sailing training vessel.

It is planned that the Khersones will leave for its first training cruise this year by mid-June.

Every year about 2,000 cadets from the Russian leading maritime universities including those from Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov, and MSU named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy pass the sailing practice on FSUE “Rosmorport” sailing training vessels.

The cadets of the Mir training vessel have practice in the waters of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The trainees on the sailboat Nadezhda are sailing mainly along the shores of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions and the Sakhalin island, while the trainees on the Khersones are sailing along the Crimean shore and in the Black Sea.

During the sailing practice, the cadets apply the theoretical knowledge obtained in universities and hone their practice on board: they learn to keep watch on the rudder, work with masts, determine the vessel’s position with the help of navigational features and participate in sailing all-hands evolutions.

Passing the practice allows the cadets to earn the necessary sailing qualification, which gives the novice specialists a pass to the world of sailors.

In the course of the practice, the students go on voyages and make port calls, participate in regattas and marine festivals, developing marine culture and popularizing maritime education in Russia. The vessels often host sports competitions, tournaments and concerts. The cadets get a real sea hardening and learn to work in a team, set and implement tasks, and strive for victory.