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General news

Congratulations of the FSUE "Rosmorport" General Director on the Victory Day

Dear colleagues! Dear veterans!

On behalf of the staff of FSUE "Rosmorport" and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Victory Day!

May 9 is the embodiment of strength and unity of our country, the day of memory of the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Over the years, this date has become significant for more and more generations of Russians. On this day, we feel very vividly the power and greatness of our country, we admire the courage and selflessness, the extraordinary strength of spirit of the frontline soldiers and homefront workers.

Many sailors of the civilian fleet and port workers went to war as volunteers, heroically demonstrated themselves in battles, participated in operations to supply the front and civilians.

We thank everyone who contributed to the Great Victory. We honor the memory of those who gave their lives to save the homeland. We pass on memories of the Heroic Deed to our children and grandchildren.

The memory of the Great Patriotic War will always be a source of pride for us, a model of courage, resilience and true patriotism.

Happy Great Victory Day!

General Director             S.V. Pylin