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General news

Acting General Director takes part in the Marine Board under the Government of St. Petersburg meeting

Acting General Director Igor Levit took part in the Marine Board under the Government of St. Petersburg meeting held on 10 June 2013 at St. Petersburg Smolny Palace under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Victor Olersky.

Within the meeting program Igor Levit delivered the report on the project of the Strategy of sea port infrastructure of Russia development by 2030, the leading author of which is the FSUE “Rosmorport”. In his speech he emphasized the importance of Russia port capacities increasing as the main goal of the Strategy realization and named the key measures needed for its achievement. According to the document, the largest increase of capacities will be ensured by the development of the sea ports of the North-West and Far-Eastern regions of Russia as well as by construction of new sea ports and development of existing port infrastructure at the Arctic Coast of Russia.

The participants also discussed such issues as formation of the Polar Committee under the Marine Board under the Government of St. Petersburg, staffing of the sea activity in St. Petersburg and perspectives of yacht tourism and sailing development in the region.