General news

General Director's working trip to Yamal Peninsula

On July, 20 2012 the FSUE "Rosmorport" General Director Andrey Lavrishchev during his working trip to Yamal Peninsula, being a part of the Mintrans of Russia delegation headed by the Minister of Transport of Russian Federation Maksim Sokolov, participated in meetings under the chairmanship of the Russian Federation President's plenipotentiary representative Igor Kholmatskih and Minister of Transport of Russia Maksim Sokolov. Meetings were devoted to Ural Federal Territory transport infrastructure development issues and creation of the Northern latitudinal course under the project "Industrial Ural - Polar Ural". Yamalo-Nenetskiy and Hanty-Mansiyskiy Autonomic Territories' and Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Kurgan Regions' Governors participated meeting.

The same day Andrey Lavrishchev participated the solemn ceremony of capsule laying in the foundation of the new commercial seaport in Sabetta. Minister of Transport of Russia Maksim Sokolov, Rosmorrechflot head Alexandr Davydenko, private investors' representatives and other officials visiter the ceremony.

The FSUE "Rosmorport" operates as a customer-developer of the sea port federal property objects: sea channel of 50km length, operational water area with the approaching channel, VTS and GMDSS objects, navigational means and other hydrographic and hydrometeorological means for navigation safety, AIS, navigation control and management integrated service, naval services buildings and crossborder checkpoints objects.

The estimated value of federal property objects is 36.5 bln rubles. Dredging preparatory stage value is 17 mln cu.m and dredging main stage - up to 100 mln cu.m.
