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General news

The new composition of the Marine Board under the Government of Russian Federation approved

The new composition of the Marine Board under the Government of Russian Federation approved by the Government of Russian Federation decree dated 26.06.2012 № 1093-р. D.Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation, was appointed the Chairman of the Marine Board. M.Sokolov, the Minister of Transport of Russian Federation, was included in the Board composition as one of Vice-Chairmen. The Head of the Rosmorrechflot A.Davydenko became a member of the Marine Board.

The FSUE "Rosmorport" General Director A.Lavrishchev retained his membership in the Marine Board. Lavrishchev was included in the Marine Board composition in November, 2011, after the appointment to the position of General Director of the FSUE «Rosmorport». It's necessary to note that the representation and active participation of the FSUE «Rosmorport» in the activity of the permanent coordination body, providing coordinated activity of Federal Executive Authorities, Regional Executive Authorities and organizations of marine activity in Russian Federation, is carried out since December, 2005, when the Head of the FSUE was first included in the Marine Board composition.