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FSUE “Rosmorport” transfers two Murmansk branch icebreakers to the Gulf of Finland for winter navigation 2011-2012

FSUE “Rosmorport” plans to transfer two diesel electric icebreakers from the Murmansk branch, said Viktor Olerskiy, deputy Minister of transport of the Russian Federation, during international logistics forum that took place on 27.09.2011 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The statement was delivered in the network of possibility of Ministry of Transport engagement of two atomic icebreakers to operate in the Gulf of Finland during winter navigation 2011-2012.

Andrey Lavrischev, FSUE “Rosmorport” General director, added that at the moment Kapitan Nikolayev diesel electric icebreaker is transferred to the Greater port Saint Petersburg and Kapitan Dranitsin icebreaker is also expected to arrive. As a result, the following winter there will be 15 diesel icebreakers of FSUE “Rosmorport” in the Gulf.