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Initiation of unified state pilot service won’t lead to pilotage dues increase

"The government’s plans to establish Federal budget organization “State Pilot Service” will not result in pilotage dues increase in the seaports", said Andrey Lavrischev, the FSUE “Rosmorport” acting General director during the Russian sea pilots conference in Moscow. “FSUE “Rosmorport” shares the position of Ministry of Transport concerning inadmissibility of competition in pilotage and necessity of Federal budget organization establishment to be responsible for compulsory pilotages”, - he said.

A. Lavrischev thinks that issues of navigation safety in Russian seaports must be consolidated in one organization. “It seems that private pilots are concerned with profit only. However, speaking about pilotage, we should think of navigation safety first, in spite of sorting things out between private and state pilots”, he added.

Andrey Lavrischev emphasizes that “the most significant problems of pilotage development in Russia at the moment is competition in pilotage sphere”. According to International Maritime Pilots' Association, competition is endangering safety navigation.