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General news

The cooperation agreement between FSUE "Rosmorport" and OAO "LUKOIL" is signed

The cooperation agreement between FSUE "Rosmorport" and OAO "LUKOIL" is signed on December, 21st, 2009 in Moscow.

The agreement provides cooperation of FSUE "Rosmorport" and OAO "LUKOIL" in development of feasibility studies on projects on development, reconstruction, modernization and operation of coastal port infrastructure objects and transshipment complexes of seaports of the Russian Federation; cooperation in building and operation of the specialized vessels used for elimination of emergency floods consequences during the transportation of hydrocarbons and processing products from bulk-oil and gas terminals.

The cooperation agreement signed by FSUE "Rosmorport" and OAO "LUKOIL" is a vivid example of state-private partnership intended for increasing of functioning efficiency and long-term development of port complexes in the Russian Federation.


Press Center of FSUE "Rosmorport"