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General news

Approved Changes in the Program of Building Olympic Facilities in Sochi

Following the decisions accepted at the meeting which took place on May, 28th, 2009 in Sochi under the chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.N. Kozak, by the governmental order of the Russian Federation from 27.07.2009 №613 changes were introduced into the Program of building Olympic facilities and development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climate resort, which was approved earlier by the governmental order of the Russian Federation from 29.12.2007 №991.

In the list of the program measures dedicated to building and development of the Sochi port infrastructure facilities the following changes were introduced. So, in connection with the specified requirements for delivery of cargoes by sea for the needs of the Olympic facilities construction, the works connected with the construction of the Sochi seaport cargo area and the corresponding coastal infrastructure planned to be placed between Konstantinovsky cape and the river Psou were excluded from the Program’s list.

Besides, the number of reconstructed at the expense of the federal budget passenger terminals on the coast of the Black sea is reduced to 8. According to the accepted changes, the reconstruction will be carried out concerning the sea passenger terminals in Imeretinka, Adler, Kurgorodok, Hosta, Matsesta, Dagomys, Loo and Lazarevskoe.