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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Nakhodka VTS successfully passes re-examination

Based on the results of the Rosmorrechflot inspection, FSUE “Rosmorport” has obtained a certificate dated 14.03.2023 No. VTS-3/1-3289-2023 on conformity of Nakhodka VTS with the requirements of the Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 23.07.2015 No. 226 for VTS of the highest category.

Earlier, since 1980, the Nakhodka VTS has been successfully inspected 12 times. According to the results of these examinations the enterprise was issued certificates on conformity with the current requirements for the operation of this equipment.

The Nakhodka VTS includes the VTS control center located at Cape Kamensky and 5 remote-controlled radar posts: Astafieva, TV Tower Nakhodka, Povorotnyi, Sysoeva and Krylova, located along the coast of Peter the Great Bay.

Nakhodka VTS is used to provide complex navigation services to vessels within its area of operation and to: 

- detect vessels on approaches to the Nakhodka VTS coverage areas, establish communication with them, receive data on vessels;
- transmit navigation, operational and other information to vessels at the initiative of the Nakhodka VTS operators or at the vessel's request;
- provide assistance in navigation;
- organize vessel traffic, including planning and setting vessel traffic modes in the Nakhodka VTS coverage area;
- keep control over the vessel traffic.

Annually, over 83 thousand transport vessels are under control in the coverage area of the Nakhodka VTS, of which an average of 9.5 thousand vessels make calls at the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka.

For more information on the conditions and procedure for the provision of VTS services by the Far Eastern Basin Branch using Nakhodka VTS, see “VTS Services ofthe Far Eastern Basin Branch”.