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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Young chum salmon release to Ryazanovka River

In furtherance of environmental measures taken by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch to compensate damage caused to water bioresources and their habitat during the 2018-2019 dredging operations in the water area of the seaport of Vladivostok over 33,500 samples of young chum salmon were released into the Ryazanovka River, which flows into the Peter the Great Gulf Boisman Bay, on May 26, 2020. The event was attended by representatives of government supervisors.

Young chum salmon with the average weight of one gram has been produced and released into the water body by the order of the Far Eastern Basin Branch by efforts of the specialized fish farm.

The branch spent 335,000 Rubles to take these compensatory measures.

This is the Far Eastern Basin Branch’s second release of young fish in 2020. On April 22, 2020 within the compensatory measures taken by the branch over 121,000 samples of young chum salmon with the average weight of 1.1 gram were released into the Lidovka River, which flows into the Sea of Japan.

This year the Far Eastern Basin Branch has successfully completed two releases of young chum salmon. Thus, the branch has fully implemented the program of compensatory measures scheduled for 2020. The branch’s total expenses amounted to over one million Rubles.