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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Hydraulic facilities at the seaport of Nakhodka transferred to the Far Eastern Basin Branch

Pursuant to Resolution No. 1301 of September 27, 2018 taken by Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Territorial Division in Moscow three hydraulic facilities at the seaport of Nakhodka have been assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” on the basis of the right of economic management and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 499 of October 11, 2018 the facilities have been placed under economic management of the Far Eastern Basin Branch.

In particular, the branch has been given two berths designed for the inaction of vessels at the seaport of Nakhodka. One of the berths is 97.9 meters in length, 20 meters in breadth and the jetty head depths are of 2.3-4.5 meters, the second one is 52.5 meters in length, 20 meters in breadth and the jetty head depths are 4.8-5.4 meters.

The branch has also received under management a hydraulic facility – a rubble base under the Araks training ship. The facility is designed for keeping the vessel upright.

These hydraulic facilities were built and put into operation in 1987. Until the facilities were given to the enterprise they were used by Primorskoye Shipping Corporation, PJSC. At the moment of transferring it to FSUE “Rosmorport” the hydraulic facilities were in good condition.

Following the results of the technical inspection and the assessment the above-mentioned hydraulic facilities will be leased out according to the established procedure to concerned operators of sea terminals.

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