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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Compulsory Regulations in Zarubino Seaport Amended

By Order of Mintrans of Russia No. 348 dated 25.12.2014 Compulsory Regulations in Zarubino seaport, adopted by order of Mintrans of Russia No. 122 dated 15/04/2013, have been amended.

The amendment were caused by establishment of two new areas in the seaport – “Zarubino-1” and “Zarubino-2”, designed for mooring of vessels requiring transshipment operations from ship to ship. On the territory of the areas stated above operations for vessels with length up to 400 metres and draught of down to 16.7 metres are provided.

For information:
In 2014 the pilotage services of the Far-Eastern Basin Branch in Zarubino seaport performed 166 operations of pilotage, 87 from which were the in-port and 79 out of port ones, with the total length of 80 sea miles.