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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Information on Vladivostok Seaport in Register of Seaports of the Russian Federation Amended

By Rosmorrechflot Regulation dated 16.09.2013 No. AD-266-r information on Vladivostok Seaport in the Register of Seaports of the Russian Federation was amended and supplemented.

The amendments are conditioned by the fact, that a multi-purpose terminal, comprising two berths with the total length of 376.2 meters and the flow capacity of 542.7 thousand tons per year, was added to the list of the seaport terminals.

The multi-purpose terminal is operated by FSUE “Directorate for Construction in the Far-Eastern Federal District” of the Department of Presidential Affairs.

For information:

The Vladivostok Branch manages 23 berths of different purposes in Vladivostok Seaport, with the overall length of 4.3 km. The number of berths used by Vladivosrok Branch makes 38.9% of the total number of berths in Vladivostok Seaport.

Of all the berths used by the Vladivostok Branch 16 berths are leased to operators of sea terminals, and 7 berths can be leased by the branch to interested organizations to be used as intended. For additional information on the leasable berths, please see the section “Lease of Property of Vladivostok Branch”.