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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport approved the design documentation for construction of objects for APEC-2012 summit

With a view of realization of the subprogram “Development of Vladivostok as Center of the International Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region” of the federal target program “Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the Period till 2013”, approved by the governmental order of the Russian Federation from April, 15th, 1996 № 480, by the order of Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of the Russian Federation from November, 10th, 2009 № AD-223-r the design documentation presented by FSE “State Customer Administartion of the Sea Transport Development Programs” titled “Vladivostok Sea Facade, Including Facilities and Infrastructure of the Seaport of Vladivostok and Russky Island. Building and Reconstruction of Port Terminals. The Cargo Terminal for Maintenance of Building of Objects for APEC-2012 Summit on Russky Island (Pospelov's Cape)”, with additions according to the task for working out of the project approved by Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of the Russian Federation and by decisions of meetings of Coordination Council on Development of Vladivostok as Center of the International Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region at Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation was approved.

The design documentation obtained positive conclusion of FSE “Glavgosekspertiza of Russia” dated December, 29th, 2008 № 869-08/GGE-5939/04).

Earlier approved order of Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of the Russian Federation for that matter expired.