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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Employees of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Vladivostok branch are awarded with anniversary badges

On December, 27th, 2009 in the FSUE "Rosmorport" Vladivostok branch solemn award ceremony for Vladivostok branch best employees took place. They were awarded with badges “In Memory of the 200 Anniversary of Water and Land Communications Administration”. Anniversary badges were presented by the head of Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport of the Russian Federation A.A. Davydenko.

Among best workers of the seaport of Vladivostok, according to the order of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation from September, 7th, 2009 № 1095/n with anniversary badges “In Memory of the 200 Anniversary of Water and Land Communications Administration” the best employees of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Vladivostok branch were awarded:

Bahtin Igor Sergeevich
- communication, electronic radio navigation and informational technology department chief;
Burkalenko Alexander Kirillovich
- chief engineer;
Veliev Ali Vali ogly
- deputy chief engineer — capital construction and repairs department chief;
Nekrasov Petr Ignatyevich
- pilotage service chief;
Novichkov Anatoly Ivanovich
- acting director of the branch;
Plotnikov Victor Radomirovich
- fleet operation and port activity service chief;
Strikun Raisa Georgievna
- chief accountant;
Ukhanov Igor Vladimirovich
- 1st class operator-sailor of «Hasanets» towboat
Chizh Vladimir Petrovich
- crew boat «LK-67» captain.