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Captain's Advisors Services

1. General information

2. Information on the areas where captain’s advisors services are rendered

3. Procedure for the provision of advisors services

4. Statistics

5. Contacts


     1. General information


     The Kaliningrad Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch provides, on a contractual basis, the services of captain's advisors on issuing recommendations and advice to ship captains in ensuring navigation and environmental safety of cargo transshipment from ship to ship in the area of anchorages No. 68 and No. 68b in the roads of the seaport of Kaliningrad.

     To provide the services of captain's advisors, the Kaliningrad Department has a staff of 32 highly qualified specialists selected from among the most trained pilots of the branch who have significant experience as captains of large-tonnage vessels.

     All advisors of the Kaliningrad Department have certificates of marine pilots of the Russian Federation issued in accordance with the established procedure for working on vessels of all types without length restrictions.

     The professional training of advisors of the Kaliningrad Department is maintained at the highest level by periodic improvement of their qualifications at simulator training courses at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kaliningrad State Technical University”.

     Kaliningrad Department provides advisors with all necessary navigation equipment, special uniform and communication systems for them to render high-quality and effective assistance for ship captains.



     2. Information on the areas where captain’s advisors services are rendered


     The Kaliningrad Department advisors services are provided from the place of reception (landing) of the captain's advisor at the point with coordinates: Latitude=54°39'70N Longitude=019°50'00E to the limits of anchorages No. 68 and No. 68b of the roads of the seaport of Kaliningrad.


 Captain's advisors services area scheme


     3. Procedure for the provision of advisors services


     Kaliningrad Department renders captain's advisors services for shipowners in accordance with the Regulations on Providing Captain's Advisors Services in Ensuring Navigation and Environmental Safety of Cargo Transshipment from Ship to Ship in the Area of Anchorages No. 68 and No. 68b on the Outer Roadstead of the Seaport of Kaliningrad, approved by Deputy Director of the North-Western Basin Branch - Head of the Kaliningrad Department dated February 10, 2023 (hereinafter – the Regulations) and on the terms of the concluded Contract for the provision of consulting services (hereinafter - the Contract).

     In order to negotiate the Contract, a customer should send an application for the conclusion of the Contract to the Kaliningrad Department by fax: +7 (4012) 36-21-02, or by e-mail: The application will be considered within 5 working days and in the absence of technical restrictions on the possibility for rendering the claimed service and subject to the submission by the customer of all necessary documents for the conclusion of the Contract, two copies of the executed Contract will be sent to him for signing. A copy of the Contract signed by the customer should be returned to the Kaliningrad Department by post or courier to the address: Pyetra Vyelikogo Quay 7, Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad Region, Russia, 236006.

     For additional reference information on the procedure for concluding the Contract, please contact by phone: +7 (4012) 36-21-97 (Monday through Friday from 08:00 till 16:55 Kaliningrad time, lunch break from 12:20 till 13:00).

     Information on the cost of captain’s advisors services of the Kaliningrad Department can be found in the section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Western Basin Branch”.


     4. Statistics


     Information on the number of vessels provided with the captain’s advisors services of the Kaliningrad Department:



Number of vessels



     5. Contacts

     Additional reference information on the procedure for rendering captain’s advisors services by the Kaliningrad Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch can be obtained by phone (Monday through Friday from 9:00 till 18:00 Kaliningrad time, lunch break from 13:00 till 13:30):
     +7 (905) 243-77-15 – head of the pilot service of the Kaliningrad Department,
     or sending a request by fax: +7 (4012) 36-21-02, or by e-mail: