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North-Western Basin Branch News

Issues of organizing pilots training

FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch reports that the North-Western Basin Branch and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”, which carries out educational activities based on Rosobrnadzor License No. 2565 of March 21, 2017, are planning to sign an agreement on cooperation in implementing an educational program of extended professional training “Pilot Development Course” in a networking form in order to provide an opportunity for receiving additional vocational training and continuing education of pilots and/or pilot candidates as alternate operator of St Petersburg VTS, Primorsk VTS, Vysotsk VTS, Ust Luga VTS and Kaliningrad VTS.

Under the above-mentioned agreement, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping” will start implementing the educational program “Pilot Development Course” and render educational services to all interested pilot organizations in line with this program of additional professional training.

By request of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping” the North-Western Basin Branch, which has high professional staff – VTS operators, will conduct development assignment of pilots at St Petersburg VTS, Primorsk VTS, Vysotsk VTS, Ust Luga VTS and Kaliningrad VTS.

All pilot organizations interested in conducting development assignment of sea and river pilots as an alternate operator of St Petersburg VTS, Primorsk VTS, Vysotsk VTS, Ust Luga VTS and Kaliningrad VTS can address the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping” to conclude respective agreements to render educational services under the educational program “Pilot Development Course”.