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North-Western Basin Branch News

Rowing Competition on the "Dragon" Antique Vessels

Employees of the North-West Basin Branch Kaliningrad Department at the invitation of Klaipeda State Seaport Directorate took part in the organized by the Directorate rowing races on the "Dragon" antique vessels on the River Dane (Lithuania), held annually as a part of the sea holiday. For the first time a team from Russia was involved in the competition, so the competition this year acquired an international status.

Races on the "Dragon" antique 10-seat vessels took place on the River Dane from the “Pilies” bridge to the "Yono kalnyalis" slide at a distance of 600 meters. In total, 28 teams took part in them, each consisting of eight rowers, a drummer and a helmsman. Two teams competed in every swim.

The participants not only showed athletic results, but also pleased the city of Klaipeda and guests with their beautiful costumes and slogans.

Despite the fact that the employees of the North-West Basin Branch Kaliningrad Department took part in such competitions for the first time, the team became the 13th of possible 28.

Awarding ceremony took place on the Teatro main stage before the final gala concert. For the welcome speech the North-West Basin Branch team was invited at the scene as the first foreign member of the rowing races on the "Dragon" antique vessels.