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North-Western Basin Branch News

Students to Do Internship on Branch Icebreakers

On 24 June 2013 the North-West Basin Branch conducted a meeting with the students of the State University of Sea and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarov in the framework of the mutual agreement on strategic partnership.

During the meeting Alexander Strelnikov, Deputy Director on Personnel and Administrative issues of the North-West Basin Branch, spoke on the main activities of the enterprise, its tasks and perspectives, and also the activities of the branch to the first year students of Marine Navigation Department and to Head of Internship Yuri Lysenko.

In the end of the meeting the students were distributed to the icebreakers of the North-West Basin Branch for an internship, which will help them to gain practical knowledge and skills in composition and functioning of vessels.

The students, who had documents authorizing them to work at vessels, were offered to fill in the vacant positions in icebreakers’ crews for the period of internship.