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North-Western Basin Branch News

«Farewell party» for bull-trout yearlings

In June 2012 the JSC Janisjarvi company under order of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-West Basin Branch finished the reproduction of the bull-trout yearlings as a water biological resources compensation measure after conducting dredging repair works in the Bigger port of Saint Petersburg water area in 2008-2011. The reproduction was conducted under trilateral agreement between the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-West Basin Branch, the Rosrybolovstvo North-West Territorial Department, and JSC Janisjarvi. The total expenses of the branch for growing and letting out the bull-trout yearlings reached almost 8 million roubles.

As a result, JSC Janisjarvi grew more than 77 thousand yearlings. The fish was delivered to the Minoyla river of the Ladoga basin (Ladkhenpokhsky area), and in the presence of the FSUE “Rosmorport” and the FSBI “Karelrybozavos” representatives was let out in equal parts near the the Minoyla village bridge over the Minoyla river, 6 km upstream, and also near the Mikli village bridge, 1.5 km far from Lake Ladoga. The delivery was executed with the help of a special fish vehicle equipped by isothermical containers and a water oxygenation control system.