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Sakhalin Branch News

Employees of the Sakhalin Branch congratulated the participants of the Great Patriotic War

Employees of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch visited Ignatenko Praskovya Igorevna, a prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp, born in 1940, and Stepanova Tatyana Alexandrovna, a resident of besieged Leningrad, born in 1935, in Korsakov, Sakhalin region.

Despite their venerable age, Praskovya Igorevna and Tatyana Alexandrovna remember everything about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 down to the smallest detail and describe this difficult time with tears in their eyes.

The Branch employees handed over gifts - flowers and food packages and thanked the participants of the war for their resilience and courage, wished them good health and longevity.

Paying tribute to the living witnesses of the terrible war of the last century, we honor the memory of all those who fought for the Victory at the front and in the rear, thank veterans and people of the older generation, whose early childhood was marked by the difficult war years, we form an interest in the historical past of our country in the younger generation.