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Towage Services

1. General information 
2. Towage services terms and conditions
3. Statistics
4. Contacts

     1. General information 

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Petropavlovsk branch provides towage services during mooring operations (mooring, de-berthing, shifting), maneuvering and navigation in the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky using canting tug-boat Tsiklon with capacity of 1 180 kW.

    2. Towage services terms and conditions 

     Towing operations connected to mooring and other shifting of vessels in the waters of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Seaport are performed by the Petropavlovsk Branch in accordance with Compulsory Regulations in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Seaport approved by Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.01.2015 No. 4, which set the requirements for minimal amount and power of tugs for mooring operations in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Seaport.
     The branch provides services on a long-term basis in accordance with conditions of a model contract for canting tug-boats services (the Contract) concluded between the branch and a shipowner/marine agent or on basis of single requests. 
     To conclude the Contract shipowner/ marine agent should file a contract application to the branch by fax +7 (4152) 21-31-05 or by e-mail The application will be examined within one day and if the operation is technically possible, the shipowner/ marine agent receives the concluded Contract for signing. The Contract signed by the shipowner/ marine agent must be sent back to the branch within 5 days. 
     For any additional information on the order of the Contract conclusion, please, contact by the telephone +7 (4152) 21-29-35 add 113 (Monday through Friday 08:30 - 17:00 GMT +12). 
     The services are provided by the branch in accordance with the order and conditions of the Contract concluded. 

     Single entrance towage services are implemented on the basis of towage services application. The application signed by the shipowner or his legal representative is sent to the branch no later than 2 hours before the beginning of towage operations (the application is recommended to be sent day before the operation) by fax +7 (4152) 43-41-32 or by e-mail   
     The branch canting tug-boat Tsiklon is delivered to the vessel’s board at the captain’s command in due time when the vessel is ready for towage operations. After the operations the captain signs a certificate of completion, which is a basis for a bill that should be paid within 5 days. 
     Information on the towage services tariffs of the branch can be found in the subsections “The Petropavlovsk Branch Dues and Tariffs”. 

     3. Statistics 

     Information on the number of towing operations performed by the Petropavlovsk Branch in the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Year Number of towing operations
2009–2019 ⇲
2009 953
2010 699
2011 948
2012 667
2013 985
2014 734
2015 1,030
2016 987



2018 954
2019 1,027
2020 864
2021 1,313
2022 1,181
2023 194
    4. Contacts 

     For any additional information on the towage services provided by the branch please, contact: 
       - telephone: +7 (4152) 43-41-32 (24 h); 
       - fax: +7 (4152) 43-41-32; 
       - e-mail: