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Murmansk Branch News

Kapitan Dranitsyn Icebreaker Sets off to Sabetta Seaport

The Kapitan Dranitsyn icebreaker on 19 February 2015 started a voyage to Sabetta Seaport.

In connection with severe ice conditions, vessels calling to Sabetta Seaport have demanded additional icebreaking assistance. The icebreaker will perform ice escorts from Cape Zhelaniya at Novaya Zemlya to the boundaries of Sabetta Seaport waters. That will be the second icebreaker of FSUE “Rosmorport” to work in the seaport. At present the Tor icebreaker of the North-Western Basin Branch is working in its waters.

In early March the Kapitan Dranitsyn icebreaker will return to Murmansk to refill its stocks. After that it will set out on another voyage.
For information:

Kapitan Dranitsyn is a diesel icebreaker of KM LL3[2] AUT2 class with the power of 24 h.p. and the tonnage of almost 12.3 tons. It was built on the Wartsila shipyard in 1980. The icebreaker complies with the requirements of international conventions, and is designed to provide year-round accessibility of Russian seaports. It also assists ships in the World ocean areas, according to the ships’ papers.

The icebreaker is highly demanded among Russian and foreign freighters for various works in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. During winter navigation it conducts ice escorts to the freezing ports of the Russian Federation. For additional information on the icebreaker technical capacities, as well as the terms and conditions of icebreaking services offered by the Murmansk Branch, please, turn to the section “Icebreaking Services of the Murmansk Branch”.