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Water Bodies and Land Plots

     For placement of immovable property facilities in order to perform the main activities stipulated in the Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch, the Branch uses land plots and water objects located on the territory of the seaport of Makhachkala water area.


     In the field of land use

     As of 01.01.2021 the Makhachkala Branch uses 14 land plots with the total area of 16.2 ha, including 12 land plots with the total area of 15.9 ha on a leasehold and easement basis. At present, deeds of title are being prepared to 2 land plots with the total area of 0.3 ha, which are currently used by the Branch.

     From the total number of land plots used by the Makhachkala Branch, 10 land plots with the total area of 11 ha are located within the boundaries of the seaport of Makhachkala. They make up 18.5 % of the total area of the territory of the seaport of Makhachkala.


     The land plots used by the Makhachkala Branch are classified as the following types of land:

     - urban lands;

     - industrial, energy, transport, communications, radio, television, information technologies lands, lands for support of the space activities, defense and security lands, and lands of other special purposes.


     In the field of water use

     As of 01.01.2021 the Makhachkala Branch uses one water body for dumping soil during dredging and maintenance works in the waters of the seaport of Makhachkala, on the grounds of the decision on granting the water body for use. 

     The water body with the total area of 12.5 square kilometres, which is used by the Branch, is located bythe west coast of the middle part of the Caspian Sea.