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Makhachkala Branch News

Command-staff exercise held at the Makhachkala Branch

The FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch hosted a command-staff exercise on September 18, 2019. The exercise was aimed at improving skills of the branch’s management and the branch key staff to carry out their functions during a disaster relief operation.

The exercise was held under the management of the Municipal Public Institution “The Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of Makhachkala”.

During the exercise, employees of the Makhachkala Branch checked an alert scheme, interaction with the Municipal Public Institution “The Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of Makhachkala”, the efforts aimed at effectively carrying out a plan to prevent and eliminate the consequences of natural and technogenic catastrophes. The plan has been worked out by the Makhachkala Branch.

Based on the results of the command-staff exercise deputy chief of the Municipal Public Institution “The Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of Makhachkala” Abdula Shapiyev gave a positive assessment on the actions taken by all participants.