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Geodesic and Hydrographic Services

1. General information

2. Procedure for provision of geodesic and hydrographic services

3. Statistics

4. Contacts


     1. General information
     The Astrakhan Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” offers geodesic and hydrographic services on a contract basis in the waters of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya.

     In particular, the Astrakhan Branch carries out the following works:

     - detailed bottom relief survey by single-beam echosounder hydrographical survey;
     - detailed bottom relief survey with multibeam echosounder.
     Detailed survey materials can be used for planning dredging works, detection of sunken objects, correction of nautical charts, guides and manuals for navigation.

     For the implementation of the corresponding works the Astrakhan Branch has a highly qualified staff with extensive experience in the field of hydrography, including performing hydrographic works, as well as the necessary equipment and technical means:

     - Petr Bakanev surveying boat equipped with:

     a) single-beam echosounder ODOM ECHOTRAC CV 200;

     b) multibeam echosounder МV-1 supplied with Hypack 2020;

    - Luch surveying boat equipped with:

     a) multibeam echosounder Reson SeaBat T20-R supplied with Hypack MAX+Hysweep 2020, sound speed sensor in water AML MicroX SV, sound speed profiler Valeport miniSVP and displacement sensor NavSight Ekinox;

     b) single-beam echo sounder ODOM ECHOTRAC DF3200 MKIII-P;

    - Bumerang hydrographic boat equipped with:

     a) single-beam echosounder Skat 50m;

     b) multibeam echosounder MV-1 supplied with Hypack 2020;

    - Relief hydrographic boat equipped with:

     a) single-beam echosounder Skat 50m;

     b) multibeam echosounder Reson SeaBat T20-R supplied with PDS2000.

     Processing of materials is performed with the help of HyPack & Hysweep 2020, PDS2000 and AutoCAD 2020 software.

     2. Procedure for provision of geodesic and hydrographic services
     To order surveying works by the Astrakhan Branch, please file a written application to the Astrakhan Branch by fax: +7 (8512) 58-57-76, or to send a scan by e-mail: The application will be considered by the Astrakhan Branch, and within 10 days the customer will receive a written response indicating the technical ability, terms of performance and cost of the requested works. In case of the customer's agreement with the terms proposed by the Astrakhan Branch, two copies of a standard contract drawn up on performance of hydrographic works (hereinafter – the Contract) will be sent to the customer for signing. The Contract signed by the customer must be returned to the Astrakhan Branch at: Kapitana Krasnova st., 31, Astrakhan, Astrakhan Region, Russia, 414016.

     Works are carried out by the Astrakhan Branch in accordance with the terms of technical project, which is an integral part of the Contract, in the manner and terms established by the Contract.


     Information on the cost of geodesic and hydrographic services rendered by the Astrakhan Branch is available in the section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the Astrakhan Branch”.
     3. Statistics
     Information on annual volumes of surveying works carried out by the Astrakhan Branch in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya water areas.



2023 3,082 8.8
2022 1,809 10
2021 1,441
2020 604
2019 1,802.6
2018 1,438.2 22.6
2017 2,276.7
2016 2,126.5
2015 1,835.5
2014 1,377.3 5.5
2013 999 0.8
2012 934
2011 1,024


2023 7,192 49.6
2022 2,829
2021 1,834
2020 649
2019 2,522.7
2018 2,081.1 30.1
2017 2,982.7
2016 2,316
2015 1,835.5
2014 1,377.3 8.4
2013 2,845 0.6
2012 2,910
2011 2,820
     4. Contacts
     For detailed information on the procedure for the provision of the Astrakhan Branch geodesic and hydrographic services in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, please call:
     by phone (Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00, Astrakhan time, lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45):
     +7 (8512) 58-48-21 extension 272,
     or send a request by fax: +7 (8512) 58-57-76, or email: