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Radio Communication Services

     1. General Information

    The FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch provides radio communication services to users in the directions “vessel-coast” and “coast-vessel” when the vessel is in the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel water area within the coverage of VHF and MF/HF coastal radio stations of the Astrakhan Branch.

     Radio communication services are provided by the Astrakhan Branch with the help of 3 coastal VHF radio stations installed in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and on the Iskustvenny Island, as well as MF/HF receiving and transmitting communication centers.

     The Astrakhan Branch provides VHF radio communication to users through coastal radio operator links in both directions. A coastal radio operator observes vessels' calls on Channels 16, 70 VHF DSC (digital selective calling) and working 1 and 3 VHF MMS (maritime mobile service).

     For MF/HF connection the Astrakhan Branch organizes connection through radio station operators. The coastal radio operator follows vessels' calls within DSC at the frequency of 2,187.5 khz, within J3E at the frequency of 2,182 khz and on working frequencies in accordance with the working schedule of the radio center.

     By using special equipment the Astrakhan Branch provides the following services to all vessels and/or coast-based users:

     – services to organize Russian and international telephone conversations through a radio station operator on MMS VHF and MF/HF channels;

     – services to receive/cable radio telegrams with subsequent transfer of messages by fax, AT-50 number or by e-mail on the Internet.


     The Astrakhan Branch carries out the activities for providing radio communication services in accordance with Mobile Service License No 160919 of December 14. 2017 in the public telecommunication network made June 05, 2012 and issued by Roskomnadzor.

     2. The procedure for providing radio communication services

    The Astrakhan Branch provides radio communication services to legal entities on the basis of the Service Agreement (hereinafter referred as to the Agreement).

     In order to sign the Agreement the customer gives a written application to the Astrakhan Branch by fax +7 (8512) 58-57-76 or a scan by e-mail The application will be considered within five days and in the absence of technical restrictions related to providing stated services the Astrakhan Branch sends two copies of the Agreement to the customer. The Agreement signed by the customer shall be returned within 10 days by mail or by a courier at: 31 Kapitana Krasnova Street, Astrakhan, Astrakhan Region, Russia, 414016.


     The Astrakhan Branch provides radio communication services in the procedure and under the terms set in the Agreement.


     You can find information on tariffs for the Astrakhan Branch radio communication services in the Section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the Astrakhan Branch”.

     3. Statistics

     Information on the number of clients using the Astrakhan Branch radio communication services.
Year Number of clients
2009-2019 ⇲
2009 195
2010 203
2011 242
2012 248
2013 262
2014 311
2015 252
2016 275
2017 76
2018 79
2019 119
2020 130
2021 163
2022 169
2023 217

     4. Contacts


     For detailed information on radio communication services in the Astrakhan Branch communication department and electronic radio navigation, please call:

     +7 (8512) 58-57-77 (Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Astrakhan time, the lunch hour from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.)

     or send a request by fax +7(8512) 58-57-76 or by e-mail