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Ice Advisory Services

     1. General Information


     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch renders ice advisory services on a contract basis to give recommendations and advice to captains of vessels on safe operations of ships of all types moving in the convoy with icebreakers or by themselves in ice conditions in the White Sea.

     In order to render ice advisory services, the Arkhangelsk Branch has six experts, who are the most trained pilots with considerable experience as captains of vessels in ice conditions for five years and more.

     All ice advisors of the Arkhangelsk Branch have pilot certificates of 1st category issued in accordance with the procedure established in the Russian Federation.

     Professional training of ice advisors of the Arkhangelsk Branch is on the highest level. They go up on the permanent basis at the extended education regional center of V.I. Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute, the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Admiral S.O. Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”.

     The Arkhangelsk Branch provides all necessary navigation equipment, special clothing and communications systems for qualitative and effective performance of their work to render assistance to captains of vessels.


     2. Information on Area of Rendering Ice Advisors Services


     Ice advisory services in the Arkhangelsk Branch are rendered in four zones of the White Sea:

Zone number

Description of the zone borders

Zone distance

Zone I

From the Cape Svyatoy Nos to Tersko-Orlovsky Lighthouse

72 miles

Zone II

From the Tersko-Orlovsky Lighthouse to Sosnovets Island

50 miles

Zone III

From Sosnovets Island to Mudyugsky Buoy 1 of Akhangelsk Seaport

97 miles

Zone IV

From Sosnovets Island to the entrance buoy of the seaport of Kandalaksha

230 miles

     In addition, ice advisory services of the Arkhangelsk Branch can be rendered in navigation of vessels to other seaports of the gulfs of Kandalaksha and Onega in the White Sea (to Onega, Vitino and also to berthing facilities in Kem).

     The embarking/landing of ice advisors is made in ice conditions by using the Arkhangelsk Branch in the convoy formation point defined by a captain of the Arkhangelsk seaport based on ice build-up in the White Sea.

     3. Procedure for Providing Ice Advisory Services


     The Arkhangelsk Branch renders ice advisory services to shipowners pursuant to the recommendations of the Helsinki Commission and in accordance with the Regulations on Providing Safe Icebreaker Support in Ice Conditions by Ice Advisors of  the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Basin Branch that were approved by the FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director on December 21, 2012 (hereinafter referred as to the Regulations) and on the basis of the Standard Contract (hereinafter referred as to the Contract).


     In order to sign the Contract a customer sends a written application to the Arkhangelsk Branch by fax +7(8182) 65-03-43 or a scan by email The application will be considered within the 24 hours and in the absence of technical restrictions on the possibility for rendering stated services and against all necessary documents to sign the Contract a customer is sent two copies of the Contract due to be signed. The Contract signed by a customer shall be returned to the Arkhangelsk Branch by mail or by courier at: 34 Karl Libkhnet Street, Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Region, 163000.


     Customers give an application for rendering an ice advisor service in accordance with the terms of the signed Contract or a statement to call back the earlier given application to a manager of the Arkhangelsk Branch in a written form by fax +7 (8182) 67-13-43 or a scan by email: within the period established by the Regulations.


     Information on the cost of the Arkhangelsk Branch ice advisory services is reported in the Section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Basin Branch”.

     4. Contact Information


     Additional information on the procedure for rendering ice advisory services by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch can be obtained by telephones

     +7 (8182) 67-13-73 (round-the-clock);
     +7 (921) 083-65-77 (round-the-clock);
     +7 (8182) 67-14-10 (Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.) - Head of the pilotage service,
     or by sending a request via fax: +7 (8182) 67-13-43, or by email