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Russia, Arkhangelsk Region, the White Sea, Dvina Bay, mouth of the Northern Dvina River, city of Arkhangelsk (64°33'N 40°31'E)

Article 32 of Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ
• Seaport area size:
• Seaport water area size:
• Number of berths:
• Seaport waterfront length:
• Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
     – liquid cargo:
     – dry cargo:
     – containers:
• Maximum dimensions of vessels calling at the seaport:
     – draught:
     – length:
     – width:
• Covered warehouses area size:
• Open warehouses area size:
• Capacity of containers for the storage of oil,
oil products, chemical, liquid food
cargo, grain cargo (tous. tons):
215.26 hectares;
1,120 sq. km;
74 units;
8,794.58 running meters;
11,532.9 thous. tons per year;

5,200 tous. tons per year;
5,432.9 tous. tons per year;
75 tous. TEU per year;

9.2 m;
190 m;
30 m;
134.55 thous. sq. m;
502.74 thous. sq. m;

FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch
Arkhangelskiy morskoy torgoviy port JSC
Severnoye morskoye parokhodstvo JSC
Arkhangelskiy rechnoy port JSC
Arkhangelskiy morskoy torgoviy port JSC
Arkhangelskiy rechnoy port JSC
Rosneft-Arkhangelsknefteprodukt LLC
Bunkernaya kompaniya CJSC
Ecotek-Bunker LLC
FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch
Chart Pilot LLC
Federal State-Funded Institution “Military unit 90384”
FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch
Arkhangelsk Expeditionary Team for Rescue and Underwater Operations Branch of the FSUE “Murmansk Basin Emergency Rescue Department”
STK-Loguistik LLC
SMP-Agentstvo LLC
Boreal shipping LLC
Arkhangelskaya Loguisticheskaya kompaniya LLC
Morskoye agentstvo Shelf-Flot LLC
Belomortrans LLC
Grumant-Loguistik LLC
Arkhangelsk branch of Morskoye Gruzovoye bureau LLC
Morsnabservice LLC
Nord West Hall LLC
Kompas LLC
Severnoye morskoye parokhodstvo JSC
Severnoye rechnoye parokhodstvo JSC
Belfrakht LLC
Belomortrans LLC
STK-Loguistik LLC
Boreal-shipping LLC
Optimist LLS
Laiskiy SRZ JSC
Solombaiskaya sudoverf JSC
Mortekhservis LLC
Armastan LLC
Nord Marine LLC
Centr sudoremonta “Zvyozdochka” Arkhangelskiy filial “176 sudoremontniy zavod” JSC
Solombaiskiy terminal JSC
Arkhangelskiy traloviy flot JSC – Ship maintenance and repair base
FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch
FSBI “Dvinaregionvodkhoz”
FSUE “Hydrographic enterprise”
Severnoye morskoye parokhodstvo JSC
Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy JSC
Mortechservis JSC
Solombaiskiy terminal JSC
Belomorskaya splavnaya kompaniya JJC
All year round
  • Council of Ministers of the USSR Regulation dated 06.11.1951 No. 4393-1972
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 09.12.2003 No. 743 “On the establishment of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the arrival of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.02.2011 No. 75 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for arrival to the Russian Federation and departure from the Russian Federation of nuclear materials, and goods containing them”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 “On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 07.07.2011 No. 557 “On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for import of animals, products of animal origin, feedstuff, feed supplements, ailments for animals and quarantined products (quarantined material, quarantined cargo)”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 17.02.2024 No. 183 “On the determination of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for export from the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of waste and scrap of ferrous metals”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 16.04.2015 No. 89-OD “On approval of the boundaries of the sea cargo and passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Arkhangelsk (Arkhangelsk Region)”
  • Mintrans of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports in the Russian Federation and on maling amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 06.01.1997 No. 14-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 14.10.2003 No. 1491-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 25.04.2006 No. 583-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 05.05.2012 No. 734-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 No. 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 13.06.2013 No. 210 “On approval of the list of federal state institutions and captains of seaports entitled to preparing and issuing seaman’s identity cards”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determining anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 04.05.2018 No. 181 “On approval of the list of seaports in which diplomas and qualification certificates are issued to ship crew members”
Compulsory regulations in Arkhangelsk Seaport approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 09.07.2014 No. 183