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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Arkhangelsk Branch takes part in the VI Arctic Marine Fleet Festival

On May 18, 2024, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch, together with the Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute – Branch of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, took part in the VI Arctic Marine Fleet Festival which was held under the motto “Proud of the Past. Appreciate the Present. Believe in the Future”. This year's festival is dedicated to the 440th anniversary of the founding of Arkhangelsk.

The opening ceremony on the embankment of the Northern Dvina River near the monument to Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov was attended by Vladimir Sedykh, Director of the Arkhangelsk Branch, as well as cadets of the oldest maritime educational institution in Russia – the Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute, Higher School of Fisheries and Marine Technologies of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, cadets of the Arkhangelsk Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov, members of the Arkhangelsk regional branch of the Young Army Military Patriotic Social National Movement, veterans of the Northern Navy and the marine industry, citizens and guests of the capital of Pomorye.

During the festival, the Arkhangelsk Branch provided the Dikson and Kapitan Chadaev icebreakers for sightseeing visits by schoolchildren, cadets and their parents. The vessels were moored at berths No. 149 and No. 150 of the seaport of Arkhangelsk in the free-boarding mode.

The sea festival was supported by the yachts of the Nord sailing center in the waters of the Northern Dvina, and the State Inspection of Small Vessels boat loudly signaled to all participants of the event and lit a fire.

One of the main objectives of the festival is to get young people and specialists interested in working in the Arctic. In order to preserve the maritime cultural and historical heritage of Russia, the personnel center in the city of Arkhangelsk organized a “Sails of Professions” career guidance event with the participation of maritime educational organizations and enterprises of the marine and river industry under the auspices of the festival. Chief Engineer Alexey Bogunov, Deputy Director for Navigation Safety Vassily Ilyin and other specialists of the Arkhangelsk Branch at the stand dedicated to the activities of the branch presented the radar equipment that the branch uses in its activities, demonstrated pictures of VTS and GMDSS operators at work, as well as the process of functioning of the technical means of coastal navigation safety control systems. To make the process more interactive, a test radio communication session with the GMDSS operator was organized for each group of children, during which an auditory assessment of the quality of communication was performed, and at the end of the session, the parting words about the importance of choosing a future profession were transmitted.