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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Arkhangelsk Branch releases young salmon

As part of the measures taken to compensate for the damage caused to water bioresources and their habitat during dredging operations carried out by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch at the Severnaya Dvina delta and the Dvina Gulf, the White Sea, in 2017 and 2018, the branch released young salmon in the presence of government supervisory authorities.

Two-year young Atltantic salmons with the average weight of 26.7 grams in the quantity of 1,436 samples have been released to the Keret River. Young salmon have been produced at the specialized fish-breeding farm by order of the branch.

The Arkhangelsk Branch spent 527,000 Rubles to produce and release young salmon.

This year this will be the single release of young salmon made by the Arkhangelsk Branch under the compensatory measures program.