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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Director of the Arkhangelsk Branch takes part in IV International Arctic Summit “The Arctic and Shelf Projects: Prospects, Innovation and the Development of Regions”

Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch Kirill Gaida took part in the IV International Arctic Summit “The Arctic and Shelf Projects: Prospects, Innovation and the Development of Regions” in St Petersburg on February 21, 2020.

Participants in the summit discussed a wide range of issues on the development of Russia’s Arctic region, interregional cooperation, the development of the transport-logistic infrastructure of the Arctic zone and prospects for the development of shipbuilding and energy projects of the region. They also touched upon ensuring environmental and industrial security and ways to resolve these issues. The summit focused on the implementation of state projects in the Arctic region, including in the sphere of digitalization of the economy, social projects, investment activity and legislative initiatives.

On behalf of the Arkhangelsk Branch FSUE “Rosmorport” makes its contribution to the development of the Arctic region.

Specifically, the use of icebreakers allows the branch to provide support for ensuring continuous supplies of cargoes and passenger transportation aboard vessels to Alexandra Land Island of Frantz Josef Land Archipelago, as well as navigation safety in the water area of the Bay of Severnaya of the archipelago.

Pilots of the Arkhangelsk Branch perform complicated pilotage of supply ships moving on the Northern Sea Route.

The enterprise successfully implemented a large-scale state project for building facilities of the port infrastructure that ensure navigation safety of vessels on the approaches toward and in the water area of the seaport of Sabetta.